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Everything posted by NoBanStan

  1. To me (and forgive the opinion) this seems like boarding a plane carrying a bunch of cardboard tubes with a watch wrapped around it. You're just asking for trouble...   It's like the video from http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/60652-daotd-award-goes-to/. These folks know they're stirring the pot. You can't expect the police to ignore that or not question your motives because they don't know you. Frankly, if I was open carrying and walked past a cop who glanced at my sidearm and said nothing...i would question his judgement. Mainly because I would wonder about what he did when he saw the next guy.   I'm a firm believer that we should stand up for our rights but I don't think doing it like this is the answer. Pick your battles is all i'm saying.
  2. hmm..   "The police chief of Wilmington was scheduled to appear Monday in Philadelphia at a discussion on gun violence with Vice President Joe Biden."   I'm not a conspiracy guy... but what are the odds?
  3. I would have paid good money for his father to say "son, you're a dick".
  4. http://www.examiner.com/article/disabled-marine-rifles-at-inauguration-signal-shift-administration-policy   If this is a repost I apologize. You guys tend to catch articles before I do :)   “The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round,” the post stated. “Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable.
  5. Awww you beat me to it. I laughed so hard watching them pile up on the door.
  6. They should go ahead and unlock all the bank safes while theyre at it. Those locks make it so tempting for thieves.
  7. ouch, bet his wife won't let him semi wad cutter tonight...   sigh, i got nothin...
  8. C4, caddyshack style!
  9.     I personally find it hilarious that they thought it was a real gun.
  10. http://kotaku.com/5982984/anti+gun-people-who-cluelessly-mocked-me-still-live-in-fantasy-land-still-dont-know-how-to-apologize   I thought this was funny... and typical   A quick summary, the author posted a picture online of him holding a replica gun from the video game Halo. The photo was picked up by facebook group called "Republican Biogtry Hate Fear Lies and Distortion" where the members started slamming Mr. Totilo for having a small penis and being a crazy gun person.   When told they were incorrect in their assessment, they turned to calling him a dork that couldn't take sarcasm. So funny enough, they didn't realize he was a writer for a very popular gaming website...so its members went on the attack :)
  11. Yea i think i'm missing the zombie connection here. Someone already posted this earlier in the week.
  12. i'm jealous of the property. Looks like a nice place out there.
  13. Perhaps the Go Pro Hero 3 does. There's none on my Gen 1.
  14. Yup, Go Pro HD's are the way to go.   Watch this at 1080p     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwbP9WLX3fY
  15.   Right, I guess my point was that if the batteries go dead... a shotgun is kinda point and shoot anyways.   *edit*   Thought I would add that this is just my impression, but that's the beauty part of tactical firearms..useful is is all about what you like!
  16. LOL, I don't think i've ever seen MBUS on a shotgun before. But hey... why not?!
  17. Very cool Spots. Does it feel like it's well built? I know a lot of those "total conversion" type stocks/furniture sometimes just feel ackward.
  18. It's probably overreaction...but you know as well as i do. There will be some dumbass who'll go out and get stuck and endanger rescue workers to come get him.
  19. Yup, thats what I was thinking. :)
  20. Starting on top right and working left:   1.)The peoples medal 2.)Valor of the people 3.)commemorative medal "military parade" 4.)medal of military service honour 5.)Kim Jong memorial pie eating contest: Runner up 6.)Kickball: Runner up 7.)Kim Jong's laundry award 8.)Master pokeman trainer 9.)Starcraft tourney 2006: 2nd place 10.)Bring your mother to work day commemoration 11.)Kill your mother in the name of the republic day 12.)Turn in a friend for treason award 13.)Three legged race 1st place 14.)......
  21. Not bad at all. Maybe wrap the handles with para cord for some added flavor :)


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