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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. DaveS

    Yellow Jackets!

    I've ran into "Killer Bee's" in the jungles of Panama that acted just like that at the very sight of a human. Bad business...don't want nothing to do with those yellow jackets either. Someone already mentioned Napalm...sounds good to me!   Dave
  2. Here's the 300+ pound brute I got in Florida this past summer...what a Rush!!! Dave
  3. Luke; Awesome hunt photos! Once you get that first pig, you're hooked for life! To me there is no better rush than hunting pigs and bears!   Dave
  4. I was having a similar issue with my left arm, hand and fingers back before I retired, and it turned out to be a ruptured disc in my neck. I thought mine was heart related but it wasn't. I pray the same for Tanker.   Dave
  5. I would love to do a float and fishing trip. Maybe we could try and get together for one.   Dave
  6. Soooo.....what time do we all need to be there......hhhmmmm Buddy ol' pal?   Dave
  7. The better question would be; "who in the world would Turkey hunt, when there is Crappies to catch?"
  8. I just totally lost it....Thanks for the laugh, I needed it!   Dave
  9. Looking at it that way, it is correct. The best pieces of art are those that you have to study to determine what message the artists is trying to send.   Dave
  10. It's just a matter of time....   Dave
  11. Good for Georgie boy....keep the money coming Zman!!   Dave
  12. The Chinese and Vietnamese would pay good money for those piglets and ate the hell out of them! You can't sell them here but overseas they sell them. Gross!!!   Dave
  13. I love bass fishing Kentucky lake. Night time smallmouth fishing is unbeatable!! I went to the steam plant a couple days last week and loaded up on skipjack herring for my springtime catfishing. Right now, I can't get my mind off of crappy and will damn sure be going as soon as I replace my cranking battery in my bassboat.   Dave
  14. Sorry to hear that news. Prayers going your way!   Dave
  15. As Hozzie said, use the AR. Take the tactical light off before you hunt with it (they are not legal to have on your weapon while hunting). You don't want to get accused of "spot lighting".   Dave
  16. Muzzleloader, 1911, shotgun, deer rifle whatever I'm in the mood for. What? Let's see, milk jugs, blackbirds, deer, paper targets, bottle caps, coyotes...just whatever appears in the target area. Mostly paper targets though. Oh yeah and pennys. Pennys are loads of fun! Gonna run outside and "crank off" another one here shortly. I don't want to slack up! lol   Dave
  17. I've hunted the center fire season before, and it's always been a lot of fun!   Dave
  18. I like the shotgun idea. I'll have to check, but I think I used BB or T-Shot, I don't remember. LBL is a good place to hunt. I only live 23 miles from there, but I go there mostly for fishing though.   Dave
  19. Who else besides me is working on their "Predator Grand Slam" for this season (Coyote, Gray Fox, Red Fox, Bobcat)? I need a Bobcat and Coyote yet before February 28th.   Dave
  20. It appears that shooting no more than Five days a month has caused me to break the law. Every single day (no days missed) I fire at least 1 round at my target every single day!!!! My neighbors haven't complained in a while, so I guess one a day doesn't pee them off!   Dave
  21. Why are you blaming me?? Oh, never mind....   Dave
  22. Thank goodness Slappy revived us.....I was going into deep depression!! I'll get a thread going to get our blood going again. Give me a day or so!   Dave


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