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Everything posted by dawgdoc

  1. Rain barrel water could be used for flushing toilets, and then you could save your cleaner bath tub water for drinking and cooking.  Long term, there are various ways to filter rain barrel water for consumption, but hopefully that would not be necessary for a typical scenario.
  2. I think World War Z had a scene where they taped magazines around their arms as defensive pads.
  3. I wear a tucked in dress shirt (and tie) with dress pants for work, and I carry an LC9 in a Remora with the special tuckable modification.  Basically, the only hint that I am carrying is the slight asymmetrical bulge on one side, but "ballooning" the shirt obscures that.
  4. At the Academy in Dalton, the .22 moved from the customer service desk back to the gun counter a while back.  When I was in recently and also before Christmas, it was back at customer service.  I wonder if it was because of something similar?   As for raising a public stink, I probably would not have either.  There was perhaps a very, very small chance that ammo was set aside for some youth shooting organization or such, in which case I would look like an ass.  We all know what was the most likely scenario, but that sliver of doubt would prevent me from publicly calling someone out.  Although I might tell the manager.
  5. If there are felons at these camps, as the article states, then how far do probation officers go in their monitoring of any on probation?  Do they do home checks?  If someone (private citizen) legally videotaped a bunch of guys shooting, and one guy was identified as a felon, would that be RAS for LEO to visit?
  6. Within the time frame of the show, it has only been like 1-2 years, I think.  I'm sure someone on the internet has an exact time frame.  But, yeah, they need to start acknowledging the fact by at least having some difficulty starting a car or something.  I believe the closest that they have come was when they had to find a new battery for the mini van.     I suspect the vast majority of Americans realize that batteries go dead if unused, but less people realize that gas goes bad.  I imagine a much smaller subset of people (although still a significant number) have had a reason to store gas.  In other words, those people who care what Kim Kardashian is wearing probably have only used gas fresh from the pump.
  7. The last things I remember about Ft. Benning is that the group split up after the quarry, with some going to Ft. Benning and Rick's group going to the CDC.  Shane wanted to go to Ft. Benning.  After the CDC, they decided to head to Ft. Benning, but Sophia got lost at the traffic stall, which ultimately lead to the farm, which ultimately lead to the prison, which ultimately lead to Terminus.  Hershel might still have a head if Sophia had just stayed put.   Justification for going to DC?  At this point, they have tried the other three options, went back to Atlanta and found it basically a ghost town, so now they cling to hope that if there was anywhere civilization could survive, it would be the city with the combination of military assets and continuity of government mechanisms.  Personally, I think it is the mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion wearing them down to a sheep-like mentality (despite their hard-won survival experience).  Everyone was so dejected when they learned Eugene was lying, and now they are lying to themselves that there has got to be something better.  I actually think the actors are doing a good job of playing dirty, exhausted, barely surviving people in these last few episodes.  They look despondent, and the slower pace of the episodes match the mood.     Also, I understand why they mistrusted the water, since nearly every other group of survivors they meet has tried to kill them, but I would have poured out the water, wash the containers with rain, and then let them fill with rain.  Even if poisoned, dilution is the solution to pollution.
  8.   I have talked to a lot of people that don't understand the concept of consent.  They seem to believe that once you have been detained, then LEOs can pretty do anything they want.  They think if you refuse a cop, then you automatically go to jail (or at the very least get a ticket).  I have tried to educate them about their rights, but the idea persists.
  9. Ever since reading One Second After, I have had an idea for a plot point in similar story.  The townspeople could use go-carts to get around.  In the book, the main character used an Edsel to get from his house outside of town to the town proper; most everyone else had to walk or bike.  Go-cartst would be better than walking everywhere.  
  10. One Second After by William Forstchen seemed like a very realistic book of that type.  There are some who argue that a massive EMP would not cause as widespread damage as it does in the book, but most of the story focuses on how one small town deals with suddenly having no electricity, few working cars, the massive refugees who were on the nearby interstate, etc.     I suppose if it was just the power grid going down, it would be less severe because your electronics could still be powered by alternative means, cars would still work, etc., but this book paints a realistic picture (which makes it scarier than a supernatural story) of life without power, and the subsequent human reaction.
  11. If you get HBO GO (which they sell separately from cable now), Game of Thrones airs at the same time as regular HBO (at least it did last year).  On a couple of episodes, there must have been a huge online viewing audience, because I got server error messages until after the episode was over.   For Walking Dead, I have to watch the next day.  For the last 4 most recent episodes, I actually got up earlier and watched before going to work so I wouldn't be spoiled.  Definitely worth saving the $70 a month Charter used to cost me.
  12.   You're the second person to tell me today.  I didn't even know it was there.  Glad I found out before I needed it.
  13. On my car (VW Passat), this could actually happen (except the crying part).  I have no key holes anywhere on the exterior of the car.  I assume, however, that it might become obvious as the battery dies in the remote before I get to the point of being locked out.  Perhaps it won't let the car lock without a working remote; I probably won't know for several years.
  14. My first (and only) AR came out just slightly less than what I could have bought an M&P Sport for at the LGS, but it was cheaper than if I had bought the stock gun and then switched out the grip and stock for what I used on mine.  So it wasn't really that much cheaper, but I consider it much cheaper than an upgraded version of what I was looking to buy.     Also, there is a certain satisfaction to buying 90% of a gun through the internet with no background check.  It makes Progressive Liberals weep.  I carried around pictures of my new gun to show relatives at Christmas.
  15. So based on what Putman said in that last email, he indicates that a private party leasing the Music City Center could ban firearms.  Is that correct?  Would a private entity have to put up gun buster signs at all entrances to prohibit carrying?  Is this part of state law?   We had a similar problem in Georgia in which private entities were trying to ban carrying at their events held in public parks.  GeorgiaCarry.Org got the language changed last year so that it specifically says that a private entity can only ban guns on private property; if it is a public park, you can carry there regardless.  However, some of these private festivals and events still believe they have a power not granted to them.
  16. I would love to see the power to ban guns at local parks stripped from the municipalities' hands.  Right now the online petition to remove the gun ban at Camp Jordan in East Ridge is only at 80 signatures out of a goal of 1000.  Even when I talk to East Ridge residents about calling or writing the council, I think most people just shrug and think nothing will change, even if they would like to see the ban removed.   It is frustrating being passionate about something while being surrounded by apathy.
  17. I am hoping for the paradigm shift to occur soon where we can stream virtually any show on cable at the same time or very soon after as the original airing via one of the streaming services.  I would sit through the commercials if it meant watching it sooner.  I think we are getting closer each year.   I started watching Walking Dead on Monday mornings before work after one of my co-workers almost spoiled an episode for me.   If I had known about that Channel Master DVR + sooner, I might would have planned my Christmas purchases differently.  Right now, the $300 price is not low enough for the two shows that overlap with other shows that I watch.
  18. I'm not sure about their customer service.  I have a 70HC .22 from the nineties, and I have been trying to find either the manual specific to the model or someone who can tell me if it ever had a last-round bolt hold open feature, and no one at Marlin can help me.  Most of the time, I didn't get any response to calls or emails.  The one response I did get was not specific enough to answer my question.
  19. Cut the cable a few years ago; now we have a whole-house antenna in the attic supplying all the televisions through the former cable lines.  My son is 9 now; he was probably 6 or 7 when we cut the cord.  He misses Cartoon Network, but some of those shows are available on the internet.  He spends a lot of his television time watching YouTube videos of other people playing video games (apparently that is a thing now).   We have Amazon Prime, and use Amazon Instant Video to buy individual episodes of shows like the Walking Dead.   The only negatives so far are that I have to wait until the next day to watch my favorite show (Walking Dead), and my son misses out on the popular cartoons.  Some would say that is a positive thing, though.  I do wonder when he gets older if kids will pick on him because he doesn't have cable and misses out on something popular, but cable here is a minimum of $70 a month, and it is not worth it.  We watch a lot less television.     One big negative is that I can't easily use a VCR to record shows anymore, so sometimes I just can't watch some shows.  Example:  I used to watch Marvel's Agents of Shield, which now comes on at the same time as Supernatural.  I don't watch Agents of Shield anymore.  I could wait a week and watch it streamed on ABC's website, but I get irritated that I used to be able to watch the episodes the next day.  They made some type of deal with some of the big cable networks so that those customers get to watch the episodes first (I guess I am part of the steerage class).   If more people cut cable and satellite, those companies would have to start cutting prices and offering a la carte channels in order to keep and attract customers.  I hear people complain about the price of tv service all the time, yet they continue to pay for it.   Every now and then Charter calls trying to get me to come back.  They always offer the exact same deal, but they try to make it seem like a new deal just for me.  
  20. If they do ban guns, then I wonder if the number of car break ins will spike in the area around the covention. I heard something like that happened at a gun show that had a "public gathering" law in that state (North Carolina?)
  21. There were no signs posted last March, and a previous thread about the MCC has the last response indicating no signs in September. Have they changed it for sure? If so, then there should be a boycott. I would not have wanted to be unarmed walking back to my car there.
  22.   Did it get posted since last September?  It seems like it would be a lot of doors that would need signs.
  23. I got a new Remora ostensibly to encourage my wife to carry her LCP on her body, but I find it makes it real convenient for me to carry at home with little effort.  I barely feel it compared to any of my other guns.   Besides stories like these, and some on the The Truth About Guns, was the fact that my "quick-access" safe (a Gunvault Microvault) was not consistently opening, which is somewhat important for a safe.  Kudos to Academy for taking back the safe that I bought 6 months ago; I told them that I couldn't trust it to work when I needed it.  I tried to call Gunvault first, but gave up after being on hold for 10 minutes.
  24.   Currently I do that from home.  Georgia law allows three people (the bishops of their respective dioceses, two of which cover 99% of Georgia) to ban guns in Episcopal churches.  Rather than completely find a new church, I'm trying to change the law  ;) .   I like Dolomite's idea of pointing out that there is a criminal (now an armed criminal) that might be coming back to that store partially due to their policies.  I agree that if the store/management/corporation are rabidly anti-gun, they won't assume any responsibility, but if they are fence-sitters, maybe it will be a wake-up call.
  25. I would to tell her that by following the business policy, and thus the law, that now a criminal has a gun that they would have otherwise not have obtained. You don't have to be mean or confrontational, but you should explain the facts of the situation to them. Maybe you ought to share this story with your legislator as a example that the sign law does little for the safety of the public, and in this case, has had a negative effect. I used a situation like this as just one of the reasons why my church should allow carrying (to no avail).


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