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Everything posted by Jeb48

  1. I tell you there is no more room in the safe.
  2. Babe Ruth (right) hunting with Lou Gehrig (left). Good hunting trip.
  3. Ok I think we're covered, let's get a smoke.
  4. Looks like another picture looking for a caption.
  5. Ok guys which one of you is this a photo of, fess up.
  6. I'm an escapee from up North but don't want to change anything to be like up North. Well it would be nice if the water bill came quarterly instead of monthly but I'm getting use to that now :-) I have told several people down here that moved down from the NE that if they didn't like (fill in the blank) move back where they came from.
  7. If you know how many guns you have you don't have enough.
  8. If you don't have a good set of screwdrivers that fit properly you can mess up the screw slots. I bought a set specfic for working on guns and keep them separate from my normal tools and only use them on gun projects and other precision work. This is the set I bought and have been pleased with them, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002IT4WU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. Mid Life Crisis - Does it come in red?
  10. One stop shopping I know, there is no gun in the picture but I liked the picture.
  11. I keep going back and forth. Is my front deck and 97.7% good enough or do I want to go fight the traffic and find a place in the 100% band. Will probably decide on Monday morning.
  12. Another caption needed. First thought was the family of the bride.
  13. Morticia doing a Bonnie pose.
  14. Since I live in the Lost State of Franklin, I have read a lot about it and I think they just wanted to form the 14th state. I don't think it was a urban/rural problem back then. Does sound familiar though.
  15. I had to do a bit of research on this one. Apparently just before Pearl Harbor there was a movement to create a 49th state out of the very North peice of California and the south edge of Oregon. From a web site "A ‘Citizen’s Committee’, armed with hunting rifles, occupied a stretch of U.S. Route 99, handing out pamphlets proclaiming Jefferson’s ‘independence’. The mainly good-natured incident – the rebels promised to “secede every Thursday until further notice” – was recorded by the main newsreel companies. But the light-hearted item lingered long enough in transit and in cutting rooms to be pushed off the news agenda by Pearl Harbor." The reason for the state was they thought the urban areas had too much say in Washington. A new movement started a few years ago to try again for the same reasons. This link tells both stories. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_(proposed_Pacific_state)
  16. As I understand it, and my imaging/optics theory is a bit foggy, you can look at the full eclipse when the moon fully blocks the sun. The problem is your eye dilates as it gets darker but the bad stuff from the sun (UV) is still strong enough to cause damage to your eye, especially when dilated. You don't stare at the sun normally for very long because it is so bright and you eye is fully constricted when you do.


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