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E4 No More

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Everything posted by E4 No More

  1. I haven't heard of priests doing the dancing part, but there was a story on Afghanistan's market for young boys forced into "Clubs", (for lack of a better word), where they were forced to dress like women and dance. Many times the boys were raped.
  2. 11. You like to rape young boys dressed-up like women after making them dance for you.
  3. Ok, the Smart Car looks like a clown car to me.
  4. E4 No More


    I own a Savage Model 12 in .308 and I love it!
  5. Dell used to sell the cheap crap until they figured out that that cheap crap accounted for the vast majority of the calls into tech support from customers trying to run cheap crap on business networks because they were cheap-assed morons. In other words, (to use my truck analogy), using F150's to tow 20,000 lbs and then whining because it doesn't work very well. Dell leaves Acer to that market now. As far as white boxes are concerned, I agree that you can build a great box for less as long as you don't shop for the cheapest components you can find because you will get what you paid for.
  6. I had a similar experience a few years back.
  7. I thought you liked chocolate milk?
  8. True, Asus makes some of the components in Dell and HP, and others: however, that does not mean that they are all made the same. Do you really think that you can get a $1,000 computer for $250?
  9. What part of, "You get what you pay for" is unclear?
  10. Doesn't Ford make different grades of pick-up trucks, (F150, F250, F350, etc), and do they not charge more for higher grades? Same thing goes with computer parts and everything else for that matter. Devices are designed for work-load expectations, and you pay for what you get.
  11. You get what you pay for. There's a reason they are cheap.
  12. E4 No More


    Let me elaborate: As the "sniper" for a small town police department, I was the only one tasked with controlling the groundhog population around town. I used a Ruger 10/22 for this purpose. I got what I thought were sufficient rounds to take out the hogs with head shots, and the danged things bounced off of them at 50 yards or so. I had to buy some hyper-velocity rounds, (I think they were "Viper" rounds), to do the work. If groundhogs are that tough at 50 yards, yotes would be impossible at 200-300.
  13. Late to the party! http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/31707-bart-gordon-retiring-one-down-many-go.html
  14. LOL! I think that it helped me become a 4th consecutively awarded "Expert" with the M16 when I was in the Marine Corps. If I'd stayed in the Corps and shot "Expert" two more times in a row I'd never had to qualify again.
  15. That's certainly better than what I learned to shoot on. I learned on a BB gun that didn't have sights on it. As funny as it sounds I was quite accurate without sights. EDIT: Geez! My left pinky seems drawn to the "W" on the keyboard.
  16. I think that the Dummycrats are secretly kicking him out for being a Blues Dog Dummycrat.
  17. Rep. Bart Gordon Retiring After Term Ends - Politics News Story - WSMV Nashville MURFREESBORO, Tenn. -- U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon said he will retire from Congress when his current term ends in 2010, a press release from his office said on Monday. "I feel honored that the people of Middle Tennessee have allowed me to serve them for the past 25 years," said Gordon. "Every decision I have made in Congress has been with their best interests in mind. I hope the people here at home feel that I have served them as well as their good advice and views have served me." The Democratic congressman has represented Tennessee's 6th Congressional district since 1985. "Turning 60 has led me to re-evaluate what's next. I have an 8-year-old daughter and a wonderful wife who has a very demanding job. I am the only child of my 83-year-old mother, Margaret. They have made sacrifices to allow me to do what I love by serving in Congress, and now it’s my turn," said Gordon in a press release. Gordon won 13 elections during his career as a U.S. representative. He is the chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology. He graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1971 and later received his law degree from the University of Tennessee. Copyright 2009 by WSMV.com. The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  18. Consider the treatment of Catholics when they came over.
  19. I disagree. Too many other examples exist that the salem witch trials.
  20. I don't. I don't like rags such as Hustler and The National Enquirer treated as if they were newspapers, or constantly fighting to protect my 2A rights.
  21. The point that I was trying to make was that there was no way for our founding fathers to anticipate what was to come along 200 years later. The argument back then was how one worshipped the Christian God or not at all; not freedom to worship Satan. I way I read The Constitution is that the government was not to establish/mandate a religion like the Catholic Church or the Church of England. I think that if they envisioned people worshipping Satan in this country - or the attacks on the 2A because of “militia” for that matter - they would have worded the applicable amendments differently.


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