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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Omega


    Unfortunately you have to look high and low to get anything resembling the truth because you won't get it from the MSM, my mental stability will survive it.
  2. Omega


    Wow, about that opening, I'm not even religious and am appalled.
  3. You would think, but it's not that slow when you think about it. I put a magnet on the bottom of the tin, stick it on the riser of the press and I lube when I am putting the case in the shell holder, gets to be second nature and it's pretty fast. And this way, I don't have to worry about one case not getting enough lube with the spray. The spray isn't bad, it just gets all in the case as well on some of the cases, and there is no consistency on which are lubed internally and which ones are not which can throw off your Standard Deviation (SD). The liquids with a pad aren't bad either, but you have to keep adding lube and it's hard to notice when the pad has become dry.
  4. Omega


    Don't watch it but good looking out for those that do.
  5. Currently partial to Imperial, but have used others in the past, Lee, RCBS, Hornady, Franklin etc., but imperial has been doing pretty good so far. Imperial Sizing Die Wax 2 Oz by Redding (midsouthshooterssupply.com)
  6. The SCOTUS Chevron decision will have major impact across many federal agency's rules, good!
  7. Whooohooo, free cup of coffee each month at starbucks!
  8. Not me, just responded. I think I posted on another post like this but will add it here as well. Most guys couldn't pronounce my last name so was just called Sgt O, when another soldier with another hard to pronounce name got assigned, I was called Big O due to my rank. When I started playing call of duty I was going to go with Big O, but it could be construed as a different meaning so went with OMega, now across the net I use Omega, O-Mega or some other variation when the original is not available.
  9. I fully agree with you on the prosecutorial misconduct part, but there are a bunch of things that just don't smell right. A friend of the armorer's father (red flag) brought some live ammo to the police station and said it was from the prop providers place and the same as the ammo that killed Hutchins (red flag), then a police officer just happened to have his body cam on to capture the moment (red flag). The prosecution team has a meeting about what to do about it and decides to do nothing (red flag), the same evidence is not presented in Gutierrez' case so what, do they do the same for her?
  10. Yea, Roman Polanski sure had a good career after his case.
  11. Not a photographer, so there is that, but how long does bullet trace hang out there? Apparently same guy that took the pic of Bush being told of the 9/11 attack. things that make you say Hmmm.
  12. Seen where it was 1/8000, 30fps, which is argued back and forth as to the why and why not.
  13. Yea, some people. SMDH
  14. I work for the 160th Special Operations Regiment, currently their Fuel Manager, but also help with ordering gear for the troops, colocated with the issue section.
  15. There is level IV body armor that is very thin, ours is titanium I think. Our CI guys get it issued as well as some that need to be in civies around the general pop.
  16. I don't think he walks away unscathed.
  17. You're talking about Trump right? Your entire statement fits Biden 100%. This makes me believe you would of rather had Hillary, which we would have had if not for Trump in 16', and look what we got in 20'. Take the blinders off and stop letting your feels interfere with your brain, Trump may be rough around the edges but his 16' presidency was great policy wise and expect a better one in 25'.
  18. Did he show that during his first term? Seems he accomplished quite a bit even though he had the entire establishment against him.
  19. No, but pushing DEI instead of the best qualified gets you those that let things like that slide by, and I am not convinced that this was not allowed to happen. One, maybe two coincidences, while I'd be skeptical, I may let slide as possible, but way too many things just don't add up. Replacing his team, planning two events, one other in PA, denying air coverage, MSM covering this live for first time in a long time, and then the entire lapse of security, slow response, not taking him off the stage, not putting a team at the water tower, which seems to be above the treeline and definitely taller than the building the shooter used.
  20. Miracle or not, it was close.


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