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Everything posted by MudBugjr

  1. Let me a question. as far as the officer removing your gun for you. isn't that more dangerous than being asked to remove the gun youself. what are the chances of an officer tugging on a ready to use gun and it going off. i've been asked to remove mine drop the mag and unload before. just seems weird he did it for you. maybe its just me since you told him you had a permit.
  2. Like normal to good to be true
  3. If it makes me a lil itchy I'll let you know. Trying to see if the deal is real first.
  4. Anyone have any info on these. Not really a Taurus shooter, But came across one pretty cheap. I don't have a .380 or a real pocket gun. except my G27. Thought i might pick one up. Looks like I could get one around 180$
  5. MudBugjr


    I've jumped in Tullahoma. Nice place nice people and they now have larger aircraft. Jumped in Cartersville Ga and those people will do anything to get your money. Told my wife they where a hanggliding place a few years back she bought a gift cert. Got down there and was told jump or go home no refund!
  6. I might be able to. I live in between Manchester and Jack Daniels. Working across the street tomorrow Love the smell in the air!
  7. Can't wait to star another big batch and a couple small. There are so many things to make wine out of. Definitly think I'm addicted like reloading.
  8. I tried a kit for my first. I tried a gallon jug of juice and it turned out ok. The kit I did made right at 28 bottles. Love my big ol boy Zeek. The first dane I've ever had and love it!!! Come on down for a tasting goto the range right down the street first! Because you shouldn't drink and shoot!!!!
  9. This is what I had and traded off. Hate it everytime I open the safe. It was a .44 Mag. Made some pretty big holes thats for sure.
  10. Thanks. With it just being in the bottle a few days it taste great. really happy and surprised for my first real attempt.. I'm only 45 min from the Boro!
  11. Just stop in when you goto Hero Gear. Two birds with one stone kinda thing.
  12. I know there has been a few topics about who makes homebrew. Just wanted to show my first attempt. I went all out to make the bottles look complete with my label etc.Mama wont let me try my hand at moonshine! My label
  13. Best thing to do is goto a good gun store and put one of each in your hand. get the size you want and then look at options on that frame style etc. Nothing like handling the mechandise.
  14. My lil girl I say lil she just turned 8 today. She bumps into my gun all the time at the store. shes so used to it now doesn't bother her. Second nature now. You find that after awhile you will feel naked without carrying everyday
  15. I'll give you 150$ Thats a bit more!
  16. To me not a big difference of drawing from a holster and drawing IWB with my slide clip. Cant get your finger on the trigger til I get it out anyway.
  17. I carry my G-27 with one similar and love it. No matter what anyone else says.
  18. Maybe we could build a really big t-shirt launcher! Or we could always use that helicopter Joe has and do air mail.
  19. If someone wants to get an order together thats worth shipping sometime I might be able to take care of it. I live pretty close to Hero Gear. Go by all the time.
  20. Where do I sign up. Can't wait http://clarksville.craigslist.org/for/1885159514.html


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