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Everything posted by xsubsailor

  1. It's a .45 cal. Flint rifle. The rifle appears to be based upon a Chambers Early York Pennsylvania and has a .45 cal. swamped Rice barrel. The rifle is unshot. The rifle was created by a local Central Massachusetts craftsman. The flint vent is lined and there is a single trigger, with a nice crisp pull.
  2. I must stay away from them !! I've been resisting the urge to buy this for 3-4 days now. Don't need it, would probably never shoot it, and sure wouldn't take it to the woods but what a beautiful work of art.
  3. From my initial post: During an interview with the NRA’s 1st Freedom, President Donald Trump said he would sign national reciprocity legislation for concealed carry.... if ....it reaches his desk.
  4. During an interview with the NRA’s 1st Freedom, President Donald Trump said he would sign national reciprocity legislation for concealed carry if it reaches his desk. https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2020/10/15/donald-trump-ill-sign-national-reciprocity-it-reaches-my-desk/
  5. This would be the perfect decor for a men's,... or lady's room in a bar.
  6. 10 or 20 gallon galvanized trash cans with lids will do the trick, or I could send you one of my rat snakes
  7. This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time.
  8. If your vacuum sealer has a canning jar adapter you can vacuum seal just about anything without crushing it. (Tried egg noodles in a bag,....... bad idea) You can open the jar and use what you need, then reseal it using the same lid. I place an oxygen absorber in my jars before vacuuming and I imagine they will be good long after I'm gone.
  9. I had the pleasure of meeting corerftech this morning and must say, he seems to be a super nice guy. I wish we had more time to chat but we both had places to be.
  10. They're non-existent around here too. I have plenty of rings but the lids are nowhere to be found. I found a few online but they wanted about $1 a piece for them.
  11. There's no doubt in my mind it, is/could be, used as a registration. Not only are the 4473's in play here but also the fine folks who do the NICS checks. Your personal information and the information pertaining to the weapon being purchased is being entered into a data base somewhere.
  12. Mine's taking a little less than 3 seconds. It sounds like the problem is on your end. Clear browsing history and cookies ?


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