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Everything posted by deerslayer

  1. What is the difference? Are energy and momentum not two words for basically the same thing? They are two formulas designed to calculate how "hard" a bullet hits. IMO, one is more realistic than the other.
  2. I was all set to go to the Tac Conference this year until I found out it was in OK. Hopefully it will be back in Mphs next year.
  3. 9mm hitting as hard as .45 is a joke. Anybody who has ever shot an IDPA match can tell you this. Why? Because when the .45 bullets hit the steel poppers, they fall QUICKLY. When the 9s hit the poppers, they USUALLY fall. Shoot one on the edge or low with a 9mm, and it's often still standing. The sensitivity of the targets can be adjusted, but .45s easily outclass the 9s. Also, in IDPA, the CDP division is 8 shot .45s (mostly 1911s), and their ammo must meet a 165,000 power factor. Power factor is calculated the same as momentum--bullet (in grains) X velocity (fps). A fairly hot 9mm load is a 115 @ 1200 fps (show me a factory 124 @ 1250 and I'll pay for the ammo). Power factor = 138,000. A typical .45 is 230 @ 850, which comes up to 195,500. No comparison. Kinetic energy, on the other hand, SQUARES velocity, giving lighter, faster bullets a theoretical advantage. Velocity in fps (squared) X bullet weight in grains/450240. Who came up with the 450240? My guess is some guy who thought 9mms were the bomb. KE for above 9mm load = 367. KE for above .45 load = 369. So, KE says they are equal. Go shoot some steel knock-down targets, and you may disagree. I think KE is crap. Now I have to go clean my Glock 9mm--there's another match this weekend.
  4. Again, it is the responsibility of the shipper to inform the carrier that they are shipping that type of product and a signature is required.
  5. I guess I'm just an a-hole. I'll gladly yield the right of way to a funeral procession, pull over if I'm in they way, etc. I won't pull over if it's going the opposite way though; for crying out loud, the guy's dead! It's a waste of time and probably a safety issue too.
  6. Well said. I too am leary of all the revolutionary high tech gains supposedly made in the last few years. However, if ones buys all the hype, all the gains apply to all calibers and thus the closing of the "gap" between a .380 and a .40 is nullified. Some calibers are just a joke when used to stop men, premium ammo or not. Service caliber pistols are BB guns when dealing with two-legged predators. Rifles and shotguns are too hard to conceal, though.
  7. Wow...I haven't bowhunted in years. My PSE still has a TM Hunter set up for aluminum arrows
  8. If he had shipped it hazmat, you would be asking why the shipping was so expensive.
  9. Ammunition is not hazmat. It's ORM-D. If you wanted the tracking number to know what day to expect it, it's a shame they didn't give it to you. If you wanted the tracking number to know what TIME to expect it, that's not realistic.
  10. UPS does not know what is in every box. If it is not signature required, they might leave the box, even if it's a diamond ring. If they know it's a diamond ring, they won't leave it. The shipper is to blame for this. For every person that bitches because UPS left a box, 10 others are bitching because they didn't.
  11. Who cares? Were they stopped before they killed someone else? Whether or not they died afterward is meaningless. My dad witnessed a man getting shot five time point blank in the chest with a .25. After the fifth shot, the guy with all the holes in his chest grabbed an old lady and used her to shield himself from the shooter. He may have died later by a crappy .25, but that didn't matter when he was grabbing the old lady.
  12. They don't, IMO. It's a status symbol for some of the bigger churches.
  13. The security guys who are hired to stop traffic when churches let out get on my nerves. One near my house once motioned for me to stop to let TWO cars out. I blew right by him.
  14. From idpaforum.com: There are only 16 days left to take advantage of the low $55.00 match fee. Match fees are $85.00 after August 1st. Ten stages, 150+ round count, chrono, scales, one of the last chances to prep for the Nationals. We have a match hotel this year, as mentioned earlier, and we have a T shirt vendor on site as well. Information can be found at Tri State Regional Championship - Tri State Regional All that and you also get SOd on a stage by yours truly...
  15. Got home from work at 8:30, so didn't go anywhere. Will probably hit some alcohol-serving place this weekend (probably Mexican).
  16. They make "Magnum" SR primers, supposedly specifically for 5.56 ARs. I ordered 5K of them today, plus 15K SP.
  17. It would appear that "sweet spot" is an understatement. Nice shootin'
  18. Welcome to Precision Delta Corporations Official Site
  19. They just don't have as much to do, so the radar gun is their only excitement...
  20. 7/10. Didn't know the shoulder angle on Ackleys, never heard of a .338 Talbot, and never saw Lone Wolf McQuade. I thought I tanked until I saw some of your scores


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