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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. I don't play facebook and can't find this on their web site. 
  2. I've never been in the Murfreesboro HD store.  I've been a HD owner for almost 20 years and owned many other brands over 40 some years of riding.  I tend to avoid HD dealers because of the one thing the OP mentioned, brand snobs.  I'm pleased to see you recognize that this is an issue some riders have with HD dealers and that your goal is no snobbery.  I don't get to Murfreesboro often but will try to stop in the next time I'm in town.  Best of luck with the job change. 
  3. My wife can make a fire with a fire steel and dryer lint but I have a couple packs of lighters in the go bag just in case.
  4. Not an iwb but I carry my Shield in my pocket in a DeSantis Superfly.  Better access and comfort in my opinion.  Maybe an option to consider. 
  5. I was going to buy one at Lowe's when I found the exact same (from the same manufacturer with same part number) tool box at Advance Auto for $100 less.
  6. Another endorsement for Dan Wesson here.
  7. Went for a short ride today and made it home safely.  Thanks for the reminder.
  8. For everyone expecting a "back in my day" post, here it is.   Back in my day, the only television programing you could get was free.
  9. A video of Obama's dream?
  10. They're learning, one by one.   http://www.local8now.com/news/headlines/Crimetracker-Knoxville-family-talks-about-home-invasion-197867231.html    
  11. I figured today's stupid prices had something to do with all the trading.  I couldn't ask $600 for a $400 gun with a clear conscience either.  There are several guns I'm watching out for but I just couldn't trade away anything I have.  My guns are like part of my family.  I've bonded with each of them and I can't think of one I would sell for anything in the neighborhood of what I have in them, let alone trade one off.  Just as I couldn't imagine trading one of my dogs off for a different dog.  Maybe I'm just too sentimental.    I have traded one gun.  I traded a spiffed up RIA Tactical for an excellent condition 1873 Springfield Trapdoor rifle.  The trade was with my uncle and I had been trying to get him to sell me the Springfield for some time.  He's an 82 year old Marine and he really wanted a 1911 so we traded.  I only went for it because I still have visitation rights and get to see my 1911 any time I want to and he can visit the Trapdoor.  I am looking to BUY a replacement though.  I'm thinking an STI Spartan ought to fill the empty spot in my heart, and my safe.
  12. Everything after he refused to sell sounds like harassment to me.  Dang dirty commies keep cranking up the heat.  They must be wanting the pot to boil.
  13. I don't deal well with crowds or I'd be there.  I have gone to races there in the past but the pleasure just isn't worth the pain.  Enjoy!  It's a great place to see a race.    Kind of like what I've said after numerous visits to France.  It's a beautiful country and would be a great place to visit if it wasn't for all the French people there.
  14. This has bothered me for a long time and I've never been able to understand it.  I look at gun classifieds and there are guns I see that I'm interested in but the owner is only looking to trade.  I understand it's your gun and you have the right to do what you want.  I'm just trying to understand the reasoning.    I'm not interested in getting rid of any guns in my collection but I'm always interested in adding guns.  I've never had a gun I didn't like.  Well, maybe a Cobra derringer but there's a story that goes with it that makes it worth keeping.  Anyway, what's wrong with trading for cash?  If I were to decide to get rid of a gun, I may trade it for the right deal but if I get cash for it, I can buy what I want.  Is there some benefit to trading that I'm missing?  Is it because people don't know what to ask for in cash?  This just baffles me.  Can someone explain what I'm missing here?  
  15. I'm all for it and can't see any reason why not.  I can buy nails at a hardware store and I don't have to go to a nail store to buy big nails.  I can see why liquor stores may object to this but it's pretty common around the country.
  16. I'm thinking the Hyundai goes a little further on a gallon of gas.
  17. Just another case of "I'm so special, I deserve what everyone else doesn't".
  18. I've got a Bond Arms Snake Slayer I carry in my 4 wheeler on my property.  Just in case.
  19. It appears to me Feinstein exhibits paranoid delusional behavior.  I would suggest she is the one suffering from mental illness and should be prohibited from holding any public office and certainly should be banned from participating in the introduction of any legislation.  She also may be affected by PTSD.  Practically Total Stupidity Disorder.
  20. Was spit at and called a baby killer on more than one occasion while in uniform in the early 70s.  There was very little respect and no thanks for what we were doing.
  21. Update - Murder - Suicide   http://news.yahoo.com/mont-man-kills-sportsman-channel-host-then-self-193207425.html
  22. Lived in the Syracuse area for about ten years.  Worked in Manlius.  Lived in Cazenovia and Morrisville.  Summer is beautiful there.  Both weeks.  Welcome, you'll like it here.


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