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Everything posted by crossfire

  1. Winchester M22  .22LR 1000/PK today @ our WM. $48.37. This is the first time I've seen these come in this year.
  2. I thought that was strange also. I went back on their site and the item descriptions are different. The back ordered one is .22LR THUNDERBOLT /500 and the ones today are .22LR HV 525RND BRCK. :shrug:
  3. I've bought from Midway before, but I wouldn't pay $18.95 shipping on a box of ammo any more then I would pay $75.00 for a brick of .22's. Putting a 1 box limit on their ammo orders and charging that much for shipping is no better then buying ammo at Walmart and selling it for 3x what you paid for it. I joined Cabelas Club an got their Visa Card and you only pay $5.00 for shipping when you use the card.
  4. +1 for the Mark ll bushing and VQ trigger.  I changed mine out a week after I bought it. I can live with the LCI. because I didn't think to replace it when I made the other mods. :up:
  5. At 66, nothing surprises me any more! :surrender:
  6. I've never had to show ID at Walmart or Academy.
  7. Here is mine, with and without optics.
  8. There is no shortage of stupid people out there buying guns and ammo! Who would buy a $900 AK? The same guy that would shell out $100 for a brick of .22's. It's all do to people who sat on the fence to long and didn't buy when there was a good supply and now are "panic" buying. There is no shortage of guns, ammo or magazines out there, the problem is to many people are willing to pay 2x, 3x &4x the amount of what it's worth. It's a sellers market out there at this time and anyone getting in the game today better know what their doing or have very deep pockets. Just my :2cents:
  9. All In The Family   The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country. The sale of these properties will fetch billions of dollars and a handsome 6% commission to the company handling the sales. That company belongs to a man named Richard Blum. Who is Richard Blum you ask? Why the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, that's who. What a bunch of crooks we have running this country! Senator Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, stand to make a fortune. His firm, C.R. I., is thesole real estate company offering these properties for sale. Of course, C.R.I. will be making a 6% commission on the sale of each and every one of these postal properties. All of these properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. taxpayers dollars, and they are allowed free and clear by the U.S.P.S. The only cost to keep them is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay property taxes on these subject properties. Would you sell your house just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill? Well, the Post Office is. How does a powerful U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with such a sweet deal? A powerful United States Senator's husband is standing by, all ready to make millions from a U.S. taxpayer funded enterprise. No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over his 6% commission on the sale of hundreds of millions of dollar's worth of quasi-public assets. Pass this info on before it's pulled from the internet. True on Snopes:   http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/blum.asp  
  10. Bushnell trs-25 right around $100. I have one on a Ruger Mark III and it :rock:
  11. I would be interested in the range box and what's in it, if you decide to sell it off. 
  12. I have a Cannon and a Winchester both bought from TSC. The Winchester is a much better safe IMHO. Check the size and number of locking bolts on the doors of both safes. Winchester bolts on all 4 sides of the door, The Cannon I have does not have bolts top or bottom. Also the Winchester weights 150 lbs. more. If you can compare them side by side you can see the difference.
  13. +1 :up:     I live near Chattanooga, and I too appreciate the help you have given others. You will do well.
  14. Surplus Ammo & Arms, I will make sure to add them to my list of sellers I will never buy from.
  15. I can help with that! I have plenty of time and would have no problem helping you shoot it.   :rock:
  16. I received the same explanation from Cabelas when I called them today.Their internet ordering system just could not handle all the orders dumped on them at one time.   I have never had a problem with Cabelas before this. I can't really blame them. :up:
  17. I have heard many TGO members make reference to the fact that they are "well stocked" when it comes to their ammo supply. I have also heard the term "hoarder" used to describe people trying to buy ammo. Where do you draw the line between well stocked and hoarder.  What do you consider to be a good number of rounds to keep on hand at all times?   I'll go first.   1,000 rounds of each caliber center fire gun that I own. 5,000 rounds of .22lr or .22mag.
  18. Where is all the ammo? Well here is a good place to start. Go to Gun Broker and do a search on ammo then bring up pistol ammo. You will find 132 pages of pistol ammo at 50 listings per page. Do the same with rifle ammo and you will find 229 pages of 50 listings per page. That's 6,600 listing for pistol and 11,450 listings for rifle a total of 18,050 listings and that's just GB. If you have some time just total up 9mm for sale on one page them times that by the # of pages and that should give you a idea of how many round of 9mm are for sale on just GB. The good news is there are a lot of listings with no bids. The bad news is there is still a lot of stupid buyers out there still buying.  Its not just the WM, AS, & SW resellers posting, its most of your local gun shops selling on GB and other sites, and not putting the ammo on their shelves. Those ads for case lots are not coming from the WM resellers, they are coming from your local shops. Just my :2cents:
  19. 9mmammo.com, another site I will never buy from.
  20. There Century JW-2000 anyone know anything about them?


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