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Everything posted by broox

  1. Seth, you have to pay money and become a benefactor to be able to sell guns on this forum.  Otherwise, welcome to TGO
  2. If I was a betting man, I would say not good
  3. Does Walmart need to get benefactor status for posts like this?
  4. I think Midway has them in stock, pre-November prices
  5. But does this mean I will have to pay sales tax on stuff that I order from them?
  6. Here lately I have come back to Busch in a 24 ounce can.  Best return on investment
  7. I am a Vandy fan.  It is usually a painful, long college football season, so I really enjoy days like today
  8. Awhile back, a guy changed his username to TGO member, doing the same mistake as has occurred here.  I thought that was funny
  9. Is concealment required? I cannot remember from last year, nothing like waiting until the last minute......
  10. I read on the internet that you are not supposed to believe everything you read on the internet.
  11. I read on the internet somewhere that there is going to be a 10$ tax on every "operation" board game sold   Also, the cost of Dr. Pepper is going to skyrocket
  12. I have to wonder how fast Robert would have been with healed knees and not setting up at the crack of dawn......... It was great, Thanks!


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