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Initiation of gun grab...

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This is on today's newspaper. The Shelby County's mayor, AC Wharton, is urging for tougher gun laws :D. Wharton unveils a flurry of ideas to reduce violent gun crimes, including state legislation that would make it a felony instead of a misdemeanor for first-time offenders who illegally carry guns:panic::D. Now i know that some of y'all would like to think that we shouldn't worry about this but i disagree.

To me this sounds like a scheme to disarm the people. How so? For the reason that,

1) First of all if they want it to be a felony for first time offenders for illegally carrying guns then why not just say that it is a felony to own a gun without a permit basically. Far from it? Well just think about it.... Basically that is all the police would have to put on a form and you would be considered a felon. Or

2) For those of you who already have HCP, if you were to unintentionally (say you forgot or something) carry to a store or restaurant that prohibits carry but did not posted correctly or something similar and you were to get caught. Well then you would be considered a felon!! There is just too many loopholes with a legislation like this that i cannot possibly see it doing much good for the responsible gun owners.

Also it states that Wharton spoke optimistcally of the county's overall health despite a crippling national recession, saying that the county's debt was trending down and bond ratings remained strong. Well if he wants the county's debt to continue to trend down then i am sure locking up every single gun offender would do it wonders huh? All those mouths to feed in jail? Not to mention the spending of your hard earn money for these individuals. I believe this to be a load of :poop:.

BUT!!! he (Wharton) called the county's crime problem the "monster in the room" and the "ice on the wings of our flight to success." The paper also brought up the case with the Cordova man who was slain to apparently put fear into the citizen so that their legislative crap would be supported. yeah!!!! okay!!! Just try to put fear into the people and they will have to agree with you or submit to it. Niccolo Machiavelli himself said, "From this arises the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared, or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both: but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.

The paper also reported that for years Dist Atty. gen. Bill Gibbons said a statewide coalition of law enforcement officials have unsuccessfully tried to pass similar legislations, but those proposal have receieved little support included mandatory jail time and higher costs in county jail. NOW THERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT REASON WHY THAT IS SO!!!

Yet Wharton said he believes the public would be willing to pay more to ensure safer streets. My response to that would be that the public would end up having to pay less and fight to ensure safer streets by buying a gun :tough:!

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Guest 153blue

so how is this going to prevent crime? the bad guys are still going to have their guns.. i wouldn't live in memphis without a gun. here is an idea, why don't they just look up the violent offenders that are currently on probation or parole and do home searches on those individuals, i think they will gain more from that then all this other bull:poop:

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so how is this going to prevent crime? the bad guys are still going to have their guns.. i wouldn't live in memphis without a gun. here is an idea, why don't they just look up the violent offenders that are currently on probation or parole and do home searches on those individuals, i think they will gain more from that then all this other bull:poop:

This is just a start. I would think that their goal is to ultimately make it very difficult if not illegal to obtain a firearm. They will have the strength to do this once they have locked up everyone with a gun. If they think that this will prevent crime then they need to think again or better yet analyze how Britain or Australia fared after they took guns from the citizens. Look at how much the crime rate actually increased.

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Guest crotalus01

Meh. A Politician trying to garner future votes by appearing to want to get tough on gun crime (or maybe he is sincere in his efforts who knows). Confiscation traditionally ALWAYS begins with registration. I have a permit and if they make it a felony to carry without one doesnt affect me one bit.

As for accidentally carrying into a prohibited area, in Memphis at least thats pretty easy not to do. No restaraunts that serve booze for consumption are a given, then theres a couple of hospitals, Fedex locations and a furniture store are about the only posted places I know of.

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Yes, I think you are overreacting, it least with respect to something Wharton wants. First, Wharton has no power and very little influence outside of Shelby County. Having lived in Memphis until 8 years ago, I can tell you that most Memphis politicians have much less influence over the rest of the state than they think they have. Second, the Cordova shooting has received very little attention here in Nashville. I suspect that is the same in Chattanooga and Knoxville.

We have much more to worry about with federal legislation. I just do not see the state of Tennessee passing significant restrictions on guns anytime soon. Tennessee legislators are just not going to lead the way on anti-gun legislation. The ones that really want restrictions will wait until tougher restrictions are the norm in other states (or under federal law).

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Guest Jcochran88
Yes, I think you are overreacting, it least with respect to something Wharton wants. First, Wharton has no power and very little influence outside of Shelby County. Having lived in Memphis until 8 years ago, I can tell you that most Memphis politicians have much less influence over the rest of the state than they think they have. Second, the Cordova shooting has received very little attention here in Nashville. I suspect that is the same in Chattanooga and Knoxville.

We have much more to worry about with federal legislation. I just do not see the state of Tennessee passing significant restrictions on guns anytime soon. Tennessee legislators are just not going to lead the way on anti-gun legislation. The ones that really want restrictions will wait until tougher restrictions are the norm in other states (or under federal law).

I agree never would have known about Cordova shooting if I hadn't seen it on this site. Memphis politicians seem to believe their opinon matters in the rest of the state.

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Guest truthsayer

I emailed him as soon as I saw the story. I received this in response:

"I assure you that I will not support any law that infringes on the

rights of law-abiding citizens. Please note that all of the changes I am

pursuing refer to the illegal carrying of guns, particularly near

businesses or schools. It makes no reference to possession of guns by

homeowners or businesspersons in their residences or businesses or

pursuant to our carry permit laws.

Please keep in touch so I can allow you to review the bills once they

are drafted."

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Guest VolMickey
I emailed him as soon as I saw the story. I received this in response:

"I assure you that I will not support any law that infringes on the

rights of law-abiding citizens. Please note that all of the changes I am

pursuing refer to the illegal carrying of guns, particularly near

businesses or schools. It makes no reference to possession of guns by

homeowners or businesspersons in their residences or businesses or

pursuant to our carry permit laws.

Please keep in touch so I can allow you to review the bills once they

are drafted."

Let's do what Mayor Wharton asks in his last statement -- feedback on the proposals will undoubtedly be needed.

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Guest David Waldrip

The Mayor is searching for a politically and culturally palatable target or symbol or "rallying cry".

Some quick research will reveal that the major problems in Memphis and Shelby County are either directly or indirectly caused by the high crime rate.

The high crime rate is fed by a gang problem that is getting worse.

The gang problem is fed by a school dropout rate that is horrendous, and getting worse (I think, but may stand corrected).

The school droput rate is fed by a common breakdown of the urban family.

Some of the urban churches are trying to address this, but all too often the efforts of the concerned cititzens remain totally ineffective.

Personally, I don't think the situation will change until some younger members of the urban community rise to leadership positions.

Anyway, coming full circle, Mayor Wharton is hoping to refine or polish the talking points from Mayor Bloomberg's Alliance Against Illegal Guns and use those as an initiative. If he were to address the above problems in a more straight-forward fashion, he would run the risk of being accused by the African American community of not understanding the needs of the community, ie, not having any empathy.

And so we continue to spiral downward. As he prepares to run for city Mayor.

It is unfortunate, really, as AC Wharton stood more of a chance than anyone else to bring this community together when he was first elected six years ago.

My two cents.

Your mileage may vary.


Edited by David Waldrip
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long story made short. my boss at work had a break in whiel he was at work last year. he had several unsecured firearms. 2 pistols, and AK and a shotgun. they got everything but the AK (it was hidden) his laptop and his 62 inch flatscreen.

months later the law called, one of his pistols turned up in a traffic stop. they summoned him to court. the perp gave a name of who he said he bought the gun from, pleaded guilty,was fined 50 dollars and has a charge of having stolen property. NOT felony possession of a handgun, but just stolen property. and was given 11 months 29 days suspended after serving a week in jail awaiting arriagnment.

the kid might be able to buy a gun later on down the road. that is the problem with gun crimes. sorry ass judges. i mean sorry.

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