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I have new twins!!


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Well almost twins. :screwy:

I went to Hero Gear today and picked up both the full size and Compact M&P .40.

I’m not kidding you guys; there is no one around that has this kind of inventory. M&P’s were like 5 deep on racks and there a bunch or racks. It looked more like an armory than a gun store. willy_nilly.gif

Joe was so proud…. And wouldn’t you know it I walked right up to that counter and ask for two models that he didn’t have. smilielol5.gif

But it’s all good; it worked out and I got a good deal.

Thanks guys. thumbsup.gif

New twins.....


And here they are with the rest of the family.

Yea we know one of the family doesn’t look like the rest; but we try not to talk about that much. :)



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Guest IzzyIsaac

Yeah, I'm pretty curious of the extended 'beavertail' as well on that thing. I'm trying to decide between the M&P or Glock for me a plastic .40. No big hurry though, I love my Kimber.

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Guest Tn.Mitch

nice new guns,and great looking family,I went the full size 40 and glock 27, 40 cal,for my sub-compact,my EDC,both with CT Laser grips,and night sights.


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What's the deal on those M&P full size, that "beavertail" frame area that sticks backwards over the top of the backstrap? Never really thought about it, except the compact model doesn't have it.

- OS

I agree with et45. I think the reason it's not on the compact, is just that, trying to reduce the size.

It did get me to thinking about the palm swells. I'll double check my FS M&P tonight but from what I remember it might come into play with the "large" version of the back palm swell. I'll see how far up on the beavertail it comes up. I run the "medium" size.

But then again, the compact probably has the exact same size palm swells so it probably has nothing to do with it.


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