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Nashville NewsChannel 5 poll

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I've searched the forum and there's not anything on this poll. Anyway, Channel 5 WTVF is a day late and a dollar short but I just thought this poll was interesting, it really shows their agenda.

NewsChannel 5.com - Nashville, Tennessee - - Home

Should guns be allowed in state and local parks?

Notice on this poll there's no mention of permit holders nor is there any mention of HCP holders, I believe story #5 at the top. Also when I voted in the poll it didn't show the results.

Channel 5 is on my :mad: list from now on.

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From their website:

NASHVILLE, Tenn.- It's about to be legal to carry guns into Tennessee's local and state parks. To some people, it's all about expanding second amendment rights, but others say the idea is downright dumb.

The idea has a lot of people talking, and has local leaders are looking into their options.

"We need more people carrying in more places," said Representative Henry Fincher (D) Cookeville.

After state lawmakers fought to allow guns in restaurants where alcohol is served, expanding second amendment rights into state and local parks was next.

"As long as bad people are going to make bad choices, good people ought to be allowed to defend themselves," said Fincher.

Starting September 1st, more than 200,000 gun-permit carry holders will be allowed to bring their guns into the park system. For some, it's a safety issue, citing a deadly bear attack two years ago in Polk County.

After losing one veto over gun legislation, Governor Bredesen reluctantly signed the Guns in Parks bill into law on Friday.

"There's a bunch of them in downtown areas, a bunch of them with ball fields, that are full of kids, I don't think particularly it's a place where people need to be carrying guns, that bothered me very much about the bill," said Governor Bredesen.

Bredesen is pushing local governments to take advantage of a clause in the bill that lets them decide in which parks gun-permit holders will be allowed to carry.

Citizens voiced their concern about the bill Sunday.

"Why would we pass a bill for anything like that? Parks, guns, don't go together, at all," said Gracie Kloutse.

"I don't know how that one civilian who is carrying a gun thinks they are going to do in a situation where there's already gunfire that's unsafe, how another person who has a gun is going to make it better to me that just means now there's two people who have now potentially killed someone, instead of one," said Mary Romano.

"I just think bars are rowdy enough as it is, and parks are a place for families, and I just think its a bad combination," said Phil Sciacchitano.

However on NewsChannel 5.com, 57-percent of voters support this new law while 43-percent of you are against it.

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Yeah, that last quote was very interesting logic.:mad:

"I don't know how that one civilian who is carrying a gun thinks they are going to do in a situation where there's already gunfire that's unsafe, how another person who has a gun is going to make it better to me that just means now there's two people who have now potentially killed someone, instead of one," said Mary Romano.
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New poll on NewsChannel 5 about carry in parks. Only issue is they're not sayin' how the poll is going, but during the 10:00 pm newscast they said it was 57% for, 43% against carry in parks.

At least they admitted the majority was "for" carry in parks, the poll read as though they were trying to sway peoples opinion. "Should guns be allowed in parks" without explaining it's for HCP holders, law abiding citizens. Maybe more average folks are wise to their antics than I thought. I would bet that News Channel 5 editors are dissappointed in the results.

They also posted a different story than I read at first but notice how they only posted negative opinions from their readers with the exception of the one rep.

Edited by K191145
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Yeah, that last quote was very interesting logic.:mad:
said Mary Romano.

And just who is this Mary Romano? I used to think the media chose to interview or post the opinion of the least qualified/knowledgable person on a subject like this purposly to sway other naive people to their way of thinking. Play on emotions instead of common sense. I still believe that but the media editors and commontators are no different, just as ignorant and naive and unqualified to comment. Now they have the RIGHT to an opinion even if it's a stupid one.

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Off subject a little.

I was searching other editorials and opinions from different media sites, mostly for entertainment and came accross this. It was from a pro-gun person commenting in the Knox County News site, I thought it was funny.

"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you from Tennessee?"

Mae West


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Guest HexHead

And just think, News Channel Five is the most fair of the news sources. Pretty sad.

Except for Nashville City Paper, of course. :D

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I voted

NewsChannel 5 Poll Should guns be allowed in state and local parks?

Here are the results so far. Thank you for participating in our poll.

Yes 59%

No 41%

I guess the next Channel 5 poll should ask, "Should drunk rednecks that just came from a bar be allowed to bring their high capacity large caliber black assault handguns into our beautiful parks where birds chirp and squirrels frolic and children sing and play?" :D

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Guest Swamprunner

Voted. This is beginning to become tiresome. The state owned media can't have their way, so they have polls to whip up anti-carry sentiment. I'm tired of it. why can't they just cover a nice 100 year-old's birthday fer a change. Or maybe a frog that has three heads, you know, things that matter.

Or how about how the influx of Mexicans are changing the face and culture of our area. Or about the last home invasion, and how a family was ruined by it. Or how how a crime was prevented by a HCP holder. But no, it's blah, blah, the cowboys and cowgirls are carrying guns in public places. Oh, the horror. The media stinks like John Wayne Gacy's crawlspace. :poop:

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I have a buddy with an HCP that works @ Channel 5. He has told me that many of the producers are indeed very anti gun.

Inside Story: Could Gun Permit List Become GOP Mailing List? - NewsChannel 5.com - Nashville, Tennessee -

And it seems as though those producers just can't let it go and accept the fact that they lost. This story may seem to some like a big breaking scandle, but I am personally positive now that channel 5 is just hyperhyping a couple of fourm posts/opinions in another lame attempt to bring people into their anti-gun, anti-GOP ideology. I can no longer trust a damn thing they report on. The other news outlets seem to have given the issue a rest. I think it's time to write a well thought out e-mail to channel 5.

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