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Work issue

Guest foister82

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I'd contact an employment lawyer and discuss this with them right away. The couple of hundred it might cost to get them involved will be nothing compared to the loss of your job in this economy.

While TN is a right to work state (ie they can fire you for almost any reason under the sun) having somebody knowledgeable in the exceptions to that rule to make sure you don't make some mistake in this process would be well worth the money.

I'm sure this kind of idiotic crap happens more often than this incident. I would love to see the court flooded with cases like this. Even if he looses a suit, just filing it would be an inconvenience to the company and maybe bring their discriminatory agenda to others attention.

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My work bans guns. One day there was a wild critter being aggressive to some employees. There were no less than 3 different firearms that materialized and took care of said critter. Mine being one of them. It was outside, not inside in case you're wondering.

Yes , they're banned at work, but that doesn't mean they're BANNED at work.

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Guest GlockRule

just play it cool and whatever you do don't quit. let them fire you if that's what they want to do-then collect unemployment, talk to an attorney, and I'm sure many a gun enthusiast will be happy to assist in you finding a new job at a company with some common sense.

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Guest HexHead
Background story- here at work, we have a mass email that goes out to about 100 people in our center. Mostly this email is spam about "mm i love bacon" to "bring me some cheese dip." Every now and then, someone selling an item will throw it out to the mass email just to see if anyone is interested here in the center. Last week i sent out a message trying to sell a bass guitar. At the bottom of the message, i added "for the firearm enthusiast, i might be interested in a trade."

Today i got pulled aside by my supervisor, warning me that my actions were being investigated. He said that several people were offended by my email and reported me to the GM. He advised me that i am not allowed to discuss any issue related to firearms here at work because they are banned in the workplace. We discussed a few things, one being the fact that people have open conversations about if abortion is ok or not, and the "benefits of weed" but it's not ok for me to mention the G word (gun).

Im being warned that pending investigation i could be terminated for even bringing up the topic, and that several people fear coming to work now that i mentioned the word "firearm" in an email.

What gives in this situation? Pretty silly imho

I've brought this up in another thread before. Are most of your co-workers about the same age you are? Keep in mind we live in a world now where children are taught from the first day of Kindergarten that gun is a four letter word. (Kind of like outcome based math. LOLOLOL)

They've been brought up in a "zero tolerance" world where even the mention of the word, a drawing or making a gun gesture with your finger and thumb on the playground can get you suspended. Probably expelled and sent to "alternative school" if you said "bang" when you made the hand gesture.

So sadly, Im not surprised in the least by your employer's reaction.

Start looking for a new job, because now you're on the list. "Troublemakers" don't get promotions or raises.

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Guest clownsdd

Hex, my seven year old grandson can shoot a .22 rifle and pistol better than most people I know.

Just wanted to let you know that all kids weren't brought up like that.

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Guest HexHead
Hex, my seven year old grandson can shoot a .22 rifle and pistol better than most people I know.

Just wanted to let you know that all kids weren't brought up like that.

He must live in a more rural area then. I hear there's still some common sense outside of the cities. :shake:

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Yeah, I would definately check into "company policy" concerning such topics as illegal drug use, weapons etc. They may have some odd language in their written policy, if they even have a written policy? I know, I work for an airline, and I bought my first weapon from a posting on the bulletin board at the airport!!! Tell em that.

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