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A Nation of Informers

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August 4, 2009 - 14:11

The Obama administration is soliciting "information" on communications, including casual conversations, about the Obamacare plan that disparage or express contrary opinion about the plan other than opinions approved by The One. The Nazis did this. So did the former Soviet Union. Now the White House is looking to turn us into a nation of informers on our neighbors and coworkers if we have opinions that are contrary to those authorized by the Obama team.


From the White House website -

The White House - Blog Post - Facts Are Stubborn Things

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag_at_whitehouse_dot_gov."

Folks, we are living in dangerous times!



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Careful now...I'm not an Obama lover...but get all the "angles" on this first....no tin foil hats please

Shazam! Gosh, golly. Gee...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go all tin-foil on you.

However...does the above posted quote directly from the White House website that you must have "missed" in your rush to the tin-foil alert not concern you even a teensy bit?

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag_at_whitehouse_dot_gov."

This statement should concern EVERY true American very much.

btw, LOVE the email contact that they chose. "Flag@" Not as is 'American Flag', but as in 'Red Flag' (strangely appropriate given the socialist nature of the message).

When those of us who sounded the warning are dead and gone those who chose to ignore the signs can wallow in the mess that will be forced upon them. Just saying...

See my second signature quote below ------>>>>v

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I'm with Mustang Dave on this. All this conspiracy stuff might lower the credibility a bit.

It's hardly a conspiracy when it's out in the open. This isn't some leaked memo that's out of context or document that's hard to validate authenticity.

None so blind as he who refuses to see. :rolleyes:

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It's hardly a conspiracy when it's out in the open. This isn't some leaked memo that's out of context or document that's hard to validate authenticity.

None so blind as he who refuses to see. :rolleyes:

Right. Where's the best place to hide something? Right out in the open.

As a kid and even now I always hated those movies where they made some guy look crazy and no one believed him, or the frame up was so good even the subject of the frame started doubting himself. We are there.

When people at the very least refuse to even give a moment to consider something and simply brush it off, then it's too late.

btw, (my sarcastic nature showing through here)...

yeah...I've just posted SOOO MANY posts that are just really far out there on this forum...

"This guys a nut"

I don't think so.

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Yeah, that's sort of the point. You really think someone trained in communications would put that out on a public, White House website if it was some deep, dark liberal ploy?

but it is and she did.:rolleyes: They don't think of it as something extraordinary. These are the same people who listed ex military, 3rd party candidates, and right to life people as possible terrorist.

I'm not sure what it is you are missing? Not trying to be rude, I just don't understand what your point is.

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I'm not trying to be rude, either, and I certainly don't want to pick a fight with you. It just seems recently that conservatives are LOOKING for things in the shadows, and I don't see some of the stuff they are seeing.

I do see a terrible path we're on, and I'm disgusted about where we're heading, but we've got to get our heads on straight if we hope to convince other people of the dangers. Otherwise they'll dismiss us as nutjobs.

A relative of mine is like this. Every time he talks with me he wants to point out all the conspiracies he's seeing. Most of them seem to be from talk radio and his own distorted reading of events.

This may be a huge power play with deep social implications. Or it may just be somebody acting on their own and not phrasing things very well. I don't have any idea, frankly.

There's a difference between being wary and being paranoid, and to me it seems like there are plenty of things to legitimately make us wary without trying to see snipers behind every bush.

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All they want to do is slam the messanger with half truths and flat out lies. If that doesn't work, they'll just fall back on the racist play that works so well.

Drudge is already in their sights. All he did (this time) was post a link to the video of the one spouting his support and desire to have a single payer healthcare system in the US.

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Guest mustangdave

Mcurrier...not trying to pick a fight over words...last thing on my mind. I read this stuff this morning like a lot of folks. Even read it and responses on a couple other forums...all I am saying is this is a "phishing" trip by the WHITE HOUSE Director of Information on HEALTH CARE ISSUES...they're looking for the wing nut idealists that "tend" to distort even the simplest ideas out of the WH...so they can debunk them and spread disinformation. In times like these recently I've taken to falling back on my military experiences...you have to READ EVERYTHING...then make an informed educated GUESS...no TIN FOIL. Thats all...like Detective Friday was fond of saying on DRAGNET..."Just the facts mame."

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Guest justme

August 4, 2009 - 14:11

The Obama administration is soliciting "information" on communications, including casual conversations, about the Obamacare plan that disparage or express contrary opinion about the plan other than opinions approved by The One. The Nazis did this. So did the former Soviet Union. Now the White House is looking to turn us into a nation of informers on our neighbors and coworkers if we have opinions that are contrary to those authorized by the Obama team.


From the White House website -

The White House - Blog Post - Facts Are Stubborn Things

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag_at_whitehouse_dot_gov."

Folks, we are living in dangerous times!



that is just about par for the course for this administration. Why does this government simply not pull down the stars and stripes and hoist the hammer and sickle?

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they're looking for the wing nut idealists that "tend" to distort even the simplest ideas out of the WH...so they can debunk them and spread disinformation.
I'm not sure if you meant it to come out that way, but it's very appropriate.;)
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It just seems recently that conservatives are LOOKING for things in the shadows, and I don't see some of the stuff they are seeing.

No shadows here...it's out there for all to see.

Them's the facts Dave. They spelled it out in black and white. Report your neighbor, your friend, your parents. Returning vets are potential terrorists? Tea Parties are terrorist gatherings? Report any dissent to an email at the White House? Don't like someone so say they said something and report them to this email?

I don't like what I see happening to this country.

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1. Sounds like they're scared and are going to resort to smear tatics against anyone who has a opposing viewpoint.

2. Perhaps we should save them the trouble and report ourselves :-) Flood their inbox with our concerns, sign them up for junk mail, etc...

it's our civic duty...after all :-)

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I'm losing more and more faith in the conservative right every day. :rolleyes:

What are you talking about? We seem to be right about everything that's coming out about the crappy healthcare plan. The left keeps saying that healthcare won't fun abortion, but yet it's still in there (Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion - Yahoo! Asia News )

Obama also says you can keep your doctor, but if he drops you, or your insurance drops you, then your stuck using the gov plan and chosen doc. Yeah, he's not directly forcing you to change, but he is.


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Guest thorn
LOL...its all about WHO can lie the best

No, it's all about whether or not you believe the lies they tell. If they're so confident why ask or debunk? They'll just pass it if it's all that great.

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Guest mustangdave
No, it's all about whether or not you believe the lies they tell. If they're so confident why ask or debunk? They'll just pass it if it's all that great.

Can't argue that...

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