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Gangland Nashville is back on

Guest eyebedam

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They must be grabbing at straws to feature Nashville on Gangland. I feel perfectly safe here. I went to school in the ghetto (before they tore the ghetto down off of Charlotte) and I never felt like I was in any danger. Brown Pride? What the hell is that?

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Guest clownsdd
I believe the comment is directed toward all the Memphis haters in the crowd.

What he said. Ya'll all the time ranting about Memphis being so bad.

How does it feel to be on the other side. How hard is that to understand?

At least we admit we have problems.

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Guest mark_justmark

I don't know about Brown Pride but what scares me is when Fan Fair, or whatever they call it now, hits town! Those tourist scare me more than any Crips of Bloods.

Thats the kind of people to be scared of, crazy ones!


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Guest momuzyk

That show is so overhyped its kinda funny to me. They had to reach very hard to produce that show. We can't even be compared or even are on the same levels as gangs in large cities. Its even night and day from Nash to Mem as previos person stated. I grew up in "so called" bad parts of town in Nashviell and although you do have your crimes and stupid kids wanting to be gangster, I truely dont feel anymore threatned. Crimes happen everywhere: city, hood, suburbs, etc. You just have to stay alert and be able to protect yourself.

Just my .02 cents

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