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Guest Bill Lumberg

What states have locked down prescribed signage, instead of generality like Tennessee? I wonder what the process was to get that sort of specific legislation, and if it works more or less well than what we have for ccw'ers/businesses now? Would most here like to see a specified sign with no deviation allowed, or do you prefer the percieved "wiggle room" some say exists now?

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What states have locked down prescribed signage, instead of generality like Tennessee? I wonder what the process was to get that sort of specific legislation, and if it works more or less well than what we have for ccw'ers/businesses now? Would most here like to see a specified sign with no deviation allowed, or do you prefer the percieved "wiggle room" some say exists now?

That's one of the things I will be talking to my state rep about next week. The wording, size of sign, and placement should be uniform for all legal purposes.


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Would most here like to see a specified sign with no deviation allowed, or do you prefer the percieved "wiggle room" some say exists now?

I’d like to see it not take up firearms legislation time.

The AG has issued an opinion. When asked if it had to be exactly what the law stated he said “No.â€

There are laws that are not clear; this isn’t one of them.

The responding Officers are going to make the call on the sign. Then if they decide to cite you; you can battle it out in court and we will have case law.

Those that carry past the signs have said that they will continue to do so. So it really doesn’t matter what the sign says. If the sign isn’t in plain view or you don’t understand its intent; that’s another story.

To date we have had no one on this forum (that I have seen) be charged with this; so it really doesn’t appear to be an issue.

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Guest 270win

Yes...exactly.....this is a feel good law...nothing more....conceal well and live a happy life. I do and don't sweat it. The worst thing that may happen if police respond is being asked to take your gun to your car...but then again you messed up by not concealing your gun properly in step 1....if you follow step 1 of concealing properly and not halfway concealing with a t shirt you won't spend endless time searching high and low for signs and worrying about that more than being aware of your surroundings and bad guys that are on the streets. I am more concerned about crooks in Memphis than signs.

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"The worst thing that may happen if police respond is being asked to take your gun to your car"

I don't think that's the worst that could happen. You could be looking at lawyer's fees, court time and a fine. If you cop an attitude you could go to jail. Even worse, it makes the paper and hurts "our" image.

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