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In a little trouble.


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Me and the wife(Buzz87) went to Larry's in Huntsville and dropped a C note on ammo. Then spent some time on the range. Well, when we finished we were looking for a shotgun for Brandee, then I went to look at pistols. Here is why I am in trouble. I bought a Kimber SIS Pro:D I get to pick it up in a couple of weeks(If I am still alive)


Edited by DavidH1
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All in all it was a good trip:D,BUT, you do not take your wife to the firing range for your anniversary and then buy YOURSELF a gun and not get her ANYTHING AT ALL!

eapking is right....roses won't get it!:cool:

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You haven't been married all that long, have you. :cool:

Amazingly it has been 12 years:love: BUT I am his third wife. I am beginning to understand the others point of view. Alas, I am no angel:angel: either. Just ask him about my Christmas shopping tattoo flat tire:shhh:! Did not cost as much but... just about as bad:D

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You can't string together a sentence like that and not share.

OK. Back around 2000 I asked if I could go get a tattoo. He said not now it's Christmas blah blah something else :blah:blah blah blah.

So I went off with my friend and the Christmas money to go 'shopping'.

Straight to the tattoo shop and spent the Christmas money on the tattoo he had said no to.

Then I was in so much pain that I had a few drinks or 20:drunk: and (I am VERY ashamed of this) drove home. I parked on the street in front of our house and bursted my tire on the sidewalk. I am still in trouble 10 years later:stunned:. No worries though kiddies got presents but I had no ride for a week as he refused to change my tire to 'teach me a lesson'

Well, I'm getting it back, I guess!:biglol:

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Guest Caveman
OK. Back around 2000 I asked if I could go get a tattoo. He said not now it's Christmas blah blah something else :blah:blah blah blah.

So I went off with my friend and the Christmas money to go 'shopping'.

Straight to the tattoo shop and spent the Christmas money on the tattoo he had said no to.

Then I was in so much pain that I had a few drinks or 20:drunk: and (I am VERY ashamed of this) drove home. I parked on the street in front of our house and bursted my tire on the sidewalk. I am still in trouble 10 years later:stunned:. No worries though kiddies got presents but I had no ride for a week as he refused to change my tire to 'teach me a lesson'

Well, I'm getting it back, I guess!:bored:

It looks like you and I are in the same boat. A week ago my fiance told me no more guns for a while blah blah:blah:. I bought a Sig P226 the next day. She isnt into guns and doesnt mess with mine or even really know what I have, so I just didnt mention it to her :biglol:

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OK. Back around 2000 I asked if I could go get a tattoo. He said not now it's Christmas blah blah something else :blah:blah blah blah.

So I went off with my friend and the Christmas money to go 'shopping'.

Straight to the tattoo shop and spent the Christmas money on the tattoo he had said no to.

Then I was in so much pain that I had a few drinks or 20:drunk: and (I am VERY ashamed of this) drove home. I parked on the street in front of our house and bursted my tire on the sidewalk. I am still in trouble 10 years later:stunned:. No worries though kiddies got presents but I had no ride for a week as he refused to change my tire to 'teach me a lesson'

Well, I'm getting it back, I guess!:hiding:

Sounds like it's time to either call it even or get retribution. I'm just sayin'.

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It looks like you and I are in the same boat. A week ago my fiance told me no more guns for a while blah blah:blah:. I bought a Sig P226 the next day. She isnt into guns and doesnt mess with mine or even really know what I have, so I just didnt mention it to her :hiding:
As you are personally already aware, I'm driving that boat. I pushed the envelope by leaving the new Arsenal AK I bought a couple months back sitting out in the living room. It has OD green furniture and doesn't look like anything else I own, but when she didn't say anything, I knew I was home free. Now, the 2 SBRs that will be showing up in the next 3 months or so...that may prove to be more of a challenge... :tough:
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This is why my wife and I have separate bank accounts. Bills get paid first, a little into savings, and whatever is left is ours to do as we damn well please.

I told her the day we moved in together I only had 2 rules and she could take them or leave them. 1. I will never ask permission to buy something and 2. I will never ask permission to hang out with my friends. I told her I would never expect her to ask me for permission either.

I'm always considerate of course and I never just blow a huge sum of money or go out with the boys on our anniversary or stupid crap like that. I don't know how many guys told me when I first got married that "that'll change in a few years", looks like I got the last laugh I reckon.

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Guest Caveman
As you are personally already aware, I'm driving that boat. I pushed the envelope by leaving the new Arsenal AK I bought a couple months back sitting out in the living room. It has OD green furniture and doesn't look like anything else I own, but when she didn't say anything, I knew I was home free. Now, the 2 SBRs that will be showing up in the next 3 months or so...that may prove to be more of a challenge... :hiding:

I'll tell you what bro, we have been friends a long time and if you need me to keep those SBR's over at my place for a while I don't mind. :tough:

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Always go first class when it comes to guns and gear. So.... What was the tattoo OF, anyway?


It is a 10 inch tall jester head on a spring(kinda like a jack in a box). Goes from base of spine up. He still hates it! They cut right through it when I had back surgery. I think he kinda liked that.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

It sounds like a long planned premeditated pay back for the tat....

I'll bet once he picks it up she takes it away and keeps it for herself.

Notice her sig line ;)

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