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Happy Thanksgiving!


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I would like to wish all of you and your families a happy and healthy Thanksgiving, unfortunately i am spending mine in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico! but thats how I pay my bills.

Happy Turkey Day to you as well!

Hopefully one day, i'll be able to spend my working hours in the Gulf as well. Just haev this nasty school thing to content with for now....

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Yep, happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

We used to gave a couple of dozen people in at our place to celebrate. Tomorrow we are just taking my mother-in-law out to lunch somewhere in Johnson City. I think Ryans has been mentioned. Oh yum, lots of cardboard tasting food. :rolleyes:

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Happy Thanksgiving, got a lunch with my side of the family and dinner with the wife's side of the family.......it's going to be a good day!

Only problem is my IWB holster is NOT going to be very comfortable by the end of the day!:confused:

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I just can't wait to eat some ham!!! I know...I didn't say turkey...but for some reason I just really love ham on Thanksgiving and turkey for the next few days on sandwiches!!!

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

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Guest Tombstone
Happy Thanksgiving, got a lunch with my side of the family and dinner with the wife's side of the family.......it's going to be a good day!

Only problem is my IWB holster is NOT going to be very comfortable by the end of the day!:confused:

I am afraid that I will have the same problem. We are going to my in-laws around noon and then to one of my brothers house later in the afternoon. I like the idea of all the food but the lack of time between will definately hinder the amount of intake and decrease the IWB comfort level.

But anyway, Hope everyone has a great Holiday and remembers to be thankful for all that we have. ANd a special holiday wish goes out to all of those that are serving our country and unable to be with their families.

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Same here! Holiday cheer to all! I just started one of these Happy Thanksgiving threads over in "Off Topic" and didnt see this one until just now. Sorry for the repeat. Good eatin' all.

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Guest DrBoomBoom

Happy Thanksgiving all y'all. Mrs. BoomBoom and the two younger Booms, home from college, will be going over to a friend's house today, then having our own full blown feast tomorrow, as has been our tradition for quite some time. Also, tomorrow, the Mrs. and I are going to the range, the young 'uns may join us if they're not lured away by their buddies.

Happy Thanksgiving and bless you all.


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Guest Phantom6

Happy Thanksgiving all. Goin' to the daughter's home to enjoy the evening with them. Hope your holiday is a safe and happy one.


BTW, if it's in your nature, say a special prayer for a soldier tonight.

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