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Whats for dinner?

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Got a good recipe for Lumpia ?

Yes I do. The hard part is finding good lumpia wrappers. I have heard that there is a Oreintal Store in Chattanooga, so I may have to look them up.

Anyway, here's my recipe;

1 lb lean ground beef

4 carrots, finely shredded

1 bunch of celery, finely shredded

1 medium onion finely chopped

2 or 3 loves of garlic finely chopped(I love garlic, so I tend to go heavy on it)

a little freash ground black pepper to taste

a little sea salt to taste.

Mix all ingredients very well

On the back of the lumpia wrapper box there will be directions to wrap them.

Also I have added half ground pork with the beef that the turns out very good.

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Guest 6.8 AR
Potato chip sandwich with a side of potato chips and a Bud Light.

Anybody want the recipe? ;)

No, but I will swap some pistachios for some potato

chips with you.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Ohhh... Well..

I had one large order of Kansas getting their butt kicked, along with sitting at the bar at Toots with a order of Nachos and Amber Bocks, till I felt like cheering.


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Just got through indulging my palate with some grilled bear burgers with sauteed' onions and a fine burgundy wine. B)

It was so good, it will make your tongue jump up, and slap your brains out!

Damn, my wife is one hellava cook! :).....I killem...she grillem! :D

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Guest Sgt. Joe

2 day marinated Rib eyes, baked taters and plenty Brocolli....:D

I even ate enough broccoli:yum: to cover Jacks share:p

Rib eyes..... once a pretty regular thing now a weekend treat due to Grocery prices and growing kiddos.:D

Still Mighty tasty:drool:

My wife sure is a lucky gal as I be da cook:D

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Guest FroggyOne2

Baked parmagian Swai.. Take the Swai.. base with melted butter.. then dip into a pan with Italian bread crumbs, cayanne pepper, black pepper and salt.. bake at 400 for 30 minutes.. take out of oven.. sprinkle the cheese on it and eat.. yummy! Also had my fave rice .. cooked rice.. velvetta and Ro Tel tomatos and H-peppers.. mixed up in a bowl.. dang good if I might say.

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Guest jackdm3

My FIL tried all season for some deer. Got none. 2 weeks ago his nephew from a mile away called him to tell him to get a deer out of season:eek:. Ruh roh! Some dude had been spotlighting near his house 150 feet off the road. Nephew ran down the hill to confront. Got his plate #s and discription while man left. Called warden with info. Warden said, "What do you want me to do?" Had the deer and no other evidence, so the warden said, "Bye!" and the deer went to my FIL. Last weekend he gave me some packages for deer stewing that said "Deer stk." Thawed it this morning, took it out. All tenderloin or backstrap in a mislabeled Ziploc.

To recap:

Pot of free delicate, fresh meat for stewing

All tenderloin/backstrap


And wife made two megabatches of conebread.:D

What else do you need?

She made a chocolate Bavarian pie. (Where's the smilie for passing out on the floor?)

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Yesterdays dinner was Carne Asada burritos. For those of you in South West, please disregard. :rolleyes: For the rest of us who cannot simply go to a local Mexican food joint (Yes we have plenty of Tex-Mex here) we have to make our own. I saute'd 1 onion, 2 red, 2 green, 2 yellow bell peppers and 2 Anehiem's in virgin olive oil. The last four minutes I added three large cloves of chopped garlic and about a 1/2 cup fresh chopped cilantro. That makes an outstading addition to the carne asada. :love:



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