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60 Habits for a Better and Longer Life


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Wow. A life of paranoia and fear is what you'll have if you follow that list. No thanks.
:rock: Exactly what I was thinking.

My favorites: Don't use powersaws. - Don't go to convenience stores, especially at night - Don't take long showers. Get in and get out lmfao.gif

On a related note, I was watching Personal Defense TV and one of the gunsite instructors (Ed Head, the guy whose mustache starts inside his nose) was talking about how he and his wife, every time they get in a car say, "SHIELDS UP!" which means lock doors and roll up the windows! :woohoo: MAssad Ayoob wants you to carry two cell phones (with two different service providers) and two flashlights.. in your tactical vest. Also, if you get on an elevator the wrong way, you could get killed by fleeing robbers!

Now, I'm all for being aware, but how paranoid are you that you won't roll your windows down on a sunny and 75 degree day out of fear that someone's going to come up and bash you. Yea, I'll take nice weather and enjoying life for $500.

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Guest bkelm18
I feel like Charlie Brown getting the rundown from Lucy...Panophobia...That's it!

Actually I'm quite a happy go lucky sort of guy, but have been seriously hurt a few times, and discovered that I hate severe pain more than I dislike being careful.:woohoo:

Not saying you shouldn't be careful, just some of those things on the list are are beyond careful and into the realm of paranoia.

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Thanks, good list, but should be taken with a grain of salt... I thought I was reading a gov't safety notice for a minute :rock:

They are all things to be mindful of, but life should not be lived in fear.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'holy $h!t, what a ride!'."


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"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'holy $h!t, what a ride!'."

I like that. Where did you get it from?

I like this one too:

"Greed is for amateurs. Disorder, chaos, anarchy: now that's fun!" Top Dollar - The Crow.

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"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'holy !t, what a ride!'."

I like that. Where did you get it from?

It's been bouncing around the 'net for a few years... I first saw it in a fwd' e-mail awhile back.

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Guest Phantom6
It's been bouncing around the 'net for a few years... I first saw it in a fwd' e-mail awhile back.

Boomhower has been using something like it in his signature line for quite a while as well.

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Guest Phantom6

Most of the items on the list seem fairly sensible. Being a woodworker the power saw thing must default to the alert and careful part and the keeping my windows down no more than an inch is out for me as well. I keep my doors locked and my seat belt on and remain very aware about what is going on around me in stop and go traffic. My wife and I are never more than a few steps away from a loaded firearm anywhere in our home. Visitors won't see them and the grandchildren can't get to them but they are there. The rest of the stuff about keeping my firearms cleaned and lubed on a weekly basis, firearm safety at the fore front, looking in the back of the vehicle prior to entering, locking doors at home, praying each day and attending church and spending time with good folks all sounds reasonable to me.

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I agree the list is a good guide with some if it being a little too paronoid. You have to pick the ones that will work for you.

As far as taking risks go, I have always looked at it like this, GOD gave us a brain and he expects us to use it, we should not test GOD to see if he is ready for us to come home, he knows when it is our time and we will go then and only then.

I will live my life to the fullest and be aware of my surroundings at all times and also be prepared to defend myself or my family till death if need be and if I die in so doing it must have been the time GOD wanted me to come home...

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"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'holy !t, what a ride!'."


I have been living this motto to some extent for several years and I'm not so sure it's the best idea unless you plan to die young. I have a hard time getting out of bed and hobbling around in the mornings which makes me wonder how much pain I'm going to be in when I really get old.

I also believe you have to keep going because the pain only gets worse with inactivity. I just can’t go as hard as use to.


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"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'holy !t, what a ride!'."

As someone pointed out, this is a "youth vs age" sort of thing. Would you rather live wild and die at 45, or make it to 65 with lots of pains, or live restrained comfortably until you are 85? Your viewpoint about this will change as you get older. Most of us choose the middle path, and get more careful after we hit 65.

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Wow, I've made it to almost 59 years and have pretty much ignored all of those things. And it's been one hell of a romp.

Here's something that hangs on my wall. Hope it's readable. I would have enhanced it, but I'm still reinstalling software after my drive format.


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I think you did a nice job compiling the list. Though some of them seem a little to over the top. I agree that as we get older we get more careful.

A few I just can't comply with include keeping my windows only an inch down. I am not a big fan of A/C in the car and I enjoy the fresh air, I am going to take long showers sometimes. I do not drink that often but I do like to get buzzed up on occassion. Ladders are sometimes unavoidable. Some songs on the radio must be played at high volume. I am not going to keep weapons scattered around the house, one on my hip seems sufficient.

Now that is just me, everyone has to decide for themselves. All in all there is a lot of good advice in the list.

I need to sign up for an art class, when I draw my gun it looks pretty crappy too!

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