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Now what a second here! This is taking it too far

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Taking It Too Far: Bacon Flavor Coffee Syrup - Geekologie


Kidding, there's no such thing as too far when it comes to bacon. Except I'm vegetarian so the closest I ever come is fake bacon which tastes like **** every time I eat i which is often because I'm always hoping the next time it doesn't. But it never fails to disappoint. Your brain just exploding aside, this is some bacon flavored coffee syrup from Torani.

Torani Bacon Syrup ($7) is a sweet, smoky, salty syrup that can be used in everything from milkshakes to manhattans to give each drink a little pork. For the truly bold, mix with Bakon Vodka for a drink only a fast-food executive could love.

its not like bacon is even that good anyways.

Edited by Il Duce
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Guest oldsmobile98
its not like bacon is even that good anyways.

This is America, so you can say what you want. If we were in any other country, I'd get up a lynching party and come find you for making this statement.

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Guest The Cat

I can't believe that's not photoshopped.

I checked it out, found it to be authentic, and STILL can't believe it's not photoshopped.

I'm imagining a little of it added to pancake batter..........

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