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Guest ADAM

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Guest Jamie
Dude, I really wanted to know about the proper usage of [sic]. The implications were interesting, since I wrote (so it was not a 2nd hand quote) the line about "sweet numchucks" as sarcasm, as I was impersonating an editor while quoting myself. Despite my educational handicap, having never minored in English (since I already speak it good) I wanted to know the proper usage.

You've probably disappointed a lot of people by showing a rudimentary conscience here.

Sic is a Latin word meaning "thus", "so", "as such", or "in such a manner". It is used when writing quoted material to indicate that an incorrect or unusual spelling, phrase, punctuation or meaning in the quote has been reproduced verbatim from the original and is not a transcription error. It is normally placed within the quoted material, in square brackets and often italicized – [sic]. Alternatively it can appear after the quote in parentheses (round brackets) – (sic).[1]

It had a long e sound in Latin, meaning that it was pronounced like the English word "seek", /ˈsiːk/; however, has been anglicised to /ˈsɪk/, like the English word "sick".

Google is your friend... Jack I'm not so sure about. :lol::D :D


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Wow...I may be guilty of the lamest threadjack ever. We went from guys arguing about swords / clubs / spears to a serious discussion of aforementioned swords...to grammar. Mea culpa, mea culpa mea maxima dork-culpa.

Man, as cool as we are with guns and stuff, imagine how lame the hardcore REAL dorks out there are? Amiright? Fellas?

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Guest Glock23ForMe
Wow...I may be guilty of the lamest threadjack ever. We went from guys arguing about swords / clubs / spears to a serious discussion of aforementioned swords...to grammar. Mea culpa, mea culpa mea maxima dork-culpa.

Man, as cool as we are with guns and stuff, imagine how lame the hardcore REAL dorks out there are? Amiright? Fellas?

And I turned it into a sig picture.... :cool:

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Dude, I really wanted to know about the proper usage of [sic]. The implications were interesting, since I wrote (so it was not a 2nd hand quote) the line about "sweet numchucks" as sarcasm, as I was impersonating an editor while quoting myself. Despite my educational handicap, having never minored in English (since I already speak it good) I wanted to know the proper usage.

You've probably disappointed a lot of people by showing a rudimentary conscience here.

actually you would speak it well, just saying


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Guest Glock23ForMe
Somebody needs to hit him with a rockety rock rock....



Because your gun isn't as reliable as my (our) Glock(s)...

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Guest Jamie

You know... Alternate F****** Weapon? :cool:


Edited by Jamie
Edited to paraphrase Doc Holliday in "Tombstone".
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I'm amazed it took this long for somebody to notice that - I thought it would be funnier and more obvious than it truly was. Well done, Mike.

I try to do my part, I figured it was a set up, :cool: nicely played!

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Guest Jamie
Battery powered cattle prod. A big one.

We used to zap each other with those, back when I worked cattle... It never did much past make us cuss, holler, and jump. :cool:

Left some interesting burn marks though...


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Guest Daelith

No guns, crossbows or compound bows. That just cut out three quarters of my home arsenal. Guess I would go for the swords. Next choice would be a baseball bat. That's got me to thinking maybe I need to invest in one of those.

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Guest Jamie

Don't overlook the potential of a good heavy walking stick, like this shillelagh:


Matter of fact, it's not a bad thing to have in addition to a gun.


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