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Crap. Need some help. First AR15, and I screw it up before shooting it.

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Was adding a Magpul MOE kit and some how the little buffer tube retaining pin and spring got jacked. Is there anyone locally that has a replacement spring? I live in the Oak Ridge/Clinton area. Dont know what happened, but when i pull back the firing pin handle/bolt, it got jacked...not sure what the problem was/is? I put everything back properly, or at least I thought. It is only held there by the buffer tube tension, correct?

If anyone can help me out, this week/weekend a sixer would come to greet your hands.



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Thank you very much Supafly. You are correct, parts 6 & 7. Actually, the pin seems fine, it is the little spring that is jacked. Anyone have another? I will check the buffer tube insertion dimension. I turned it in quite a bit, it is my first time and I did not want to tear anything up. But more than likely that is problem, I think it was in only so far that the pressure against it was the only thing holding it in place, and no portion was on top to prevent it coming out. I put the castle nut on and snugged it down well (after three times of putting it on backward, the magpul ASAP backward, etc.) lol. Not certain why it got messed up though. Does anyone have another spring, or now where I can get one locally?

Great insight and help. Thank you very much. :)

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I've got 4 left. I screwed mine up a couple weeks ago and ordered 5 of them. I can send you one or you can order from blackrifleworks.com. the shipping is $6 but I usually get my stuff within 2 business days.

Edit: the spring is only $0.95

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It does not retain the buffer tube. It is the pin the captures the buffer and spring while they are in the buffer tube. The buffer tube itself should be held in place with a castle nut. The buffer tube should be screwed into the receiver the the castle nut jammed against the receiver to keep the buffer tube from loosening. DO NOT LOCKTITE THE CASTLE NUT OR BUFFER TUBE!

You can fire the weapon without the pin and spring. All they do it keep the buffer from coming out prematurely when removing the upper from the lower. My wife's 9mm AR has the same problem and we have well over 3000 rounds through it without incident.


In the picture above you are talking about parts 6 and 7 right?

If so then all the advice I gave you is correct.


Eeek!!! Loc-tite! :P

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I ordered replacements for 6 and 7. I did fix it however, temporarily, and it works fine. The buffer tube was the problem, part of the threaded area was "jacked up" it was not properly going in. I got it from the same people that send me the magpul kit, so i put the original back on and all it good.

Thanks everyone.. now i just need someone to help me zero it in and teach me bit a about it. any volunteers? I shoot at Norris.

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Thanks everyone.. now i just need someone to help me zero it in and teach me bit a about it. any volunteers? I shoot at Norris.

i would be happy to help you zero it in, though I know nothing about AR's.

But sighting in a rifle is sighting in a rifle isn't it? PM me if you are interested in this weekend.

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Can someone please help. I got the new spring and indent..could someone please post a photo of how far the indent is supposed to go down in the hole? how much should be hitting the buffer tube and how much of it showing should be holding back the spring in the buffer tube with the weighted plug? I am having some troubles... thank you.


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Guest HCRoadie
I know nothing about black rifles.

That said why are there such parts as 6 and 7 if they are not needed? What purpose do they actually serve?

They are needed when you take the rifle apart. but I am sure you figured that out by now.

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I know nothing about black rifles.

That said why are there such parts as 6 and 7 if they are not needed? What purpose do they actually serve?

They hold the recoil spring and buffer captive while you remove the upper receiver from the lower. If not some dumb private would no doubt launch the buffer at one of his buddies.


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