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Camping trip ruined by rednecks

Guest grays

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FIVE rednecks in kayaks! Next thing you know, they will be driving SAAB convertibles.

I would have made friends with them. After sitting around the fire listening to my tales of perversion and deviancy, it is they who would have left keeping an eye over their shoulder.

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FIVE rednecks in kayaks! Next thing you know, they will be driving SAAB convertibles.

I would have made friends with them. After sitting around the fire listening to my tales of perversion and deviancy, it is they who would have left keeping an eye over their shoulder.

I like the way you think. :D

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Guest Ranger Rick
I've been thinking about devising some kind of thing that holds a shotgun shell (with the shot removed) has a firing pin and a trip wire placed across the trail, just to warn about yahoos like this. I back country camp a lot, and am a pretty sound sleeper. I'm not worried about critters messing with me, but I do about crazies.

I'm just not sure about the legalities of a blank shot shell going off in a place like a National Forest.

Check this out...

Shotgun Alarm Signal Trip Wire

But, I like the window buzzer idea better. ;)

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Guest WadePatton

awww dude, sorry 'bout that. we wasn't meanin' no harm or disrespect. we's just paddlin' 'round and effin' off. hell we never camped there before, we just said that for fun.


five in a kayak? what seamanship...we roll a canoe at 3!!!

kidding in the first part...not the second.

booraah!! my second post here!

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I bet those guys in the Kayaks where just going down the river minding their own business, when one of them said to the others, paddle faster i hear banjo music.

All kidding a side, when you have the gun, avoild a fight if at all possible, I agree with your actions. (notice I did not say they did the right thing)

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Yes. Yes. ...and I will repeat the same words that everyone else is saying: You did the right thing.

It sounds like you came within a millimeter of death. If your gun hadn't been visible, consider how that might have ended.

According to your description, you did a lot of things right:

1. You kept your cool

2. You talked to them

3. You concealed your fear (see #1). You kept your self-control.

4. You were sober yourself.

5. You're not a substance abuser

6. You made a sane sensible reasonable objective common-sense decision to get the hell OUT of there afterward.

This is a list of the things you did wrong:

1. Nothing.

2. Nada

3. Zilch

4. Zero

They knew that if something bad happened, you could identify them (therefore, they'd have to kill you, and that gun of yours gave the impression that you could at least HURT one of them in a fight).

I HOPE I would do as well as you did, in a similar setting.

You got guts and you got brains. You're generous to tell the story.

Mike B

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