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AK47 at the wedding.

Guest tngw1500se

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Here's a great quote from the "comments":

  • 2791e Considering the US gun culture, are they sure this didn't happen in Phoenix? Last time I was there, every toothless idiot I saw was wearing a gun.
    15 minutes ago | Like (6) | Report abuse
  • 48.png
    usbg Just because we have reckless gun laws in the US don't make it right ... at least I want to believe that we are a bit more intelligent and civilized than those third world Turks and we have the common sense not to shoot our friends and family at our own wedding !!!
    10 minutes ago | Like (4) | Report abuse

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Don't these people realize that's why they invented fireworks?

Yeah but in a lot of those countries bullets are cheaper and easier to come by than fireworks.

During one celebration a local town, where I was, began firing AA into the mountain side to put on a show and quite the show it was. Unfortuantely the bad guys used some of the own fireworks (RPG's) to blow up a local police station that same night.


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Yeah but in a lot of those countries bullets are cheaper and easier to come by than fireworks.

When was the last time you bought fireworks here in the US? For what I spent on a smallish 30-45 minute display on o7o4 I could've bought 5oo rounds of 7.62x39 (and the 7.62x39 would've been far more fun for me)...

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Guest GT_Rat
When was the last time you bought fireworks here in the US? For what I spent on a smallish 30-45 minute display on o7o4 I could've bought 5oo rounds of 7.62x39 (and the 7.62x39 would've been far more fun for me)...

Ain't that the truth!

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