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Day 1 Of a New Life

Guest Glock23ForMe

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Okay, so, I've had bad feet for about 5 years now. I never had the ability to wear flip flops, sandals or anything. The only time I could wear Crocs or anything of the sort was at the beach. 5 YEARS of this. Today, I finally mustered up the courage to go to the DPM (Podiatrist). He told me, "This is no problem, let's fix it now, and blame your parents because its pretty much 1/2 genetic." Two hours later, I walk out all bandaged up, get my pain meds and am sitting on the couch with them numb. I cannot wait to wear Flip Flops. I cannot wait until someone drops something on them and it doesn't feel like its a 1000 lb sledge. (A flip flop on them would make me cringe a week ago).

Day 1 of the Flip Flop Saga Begins

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Guest Glock23ForMe

I have played basketball 9 months outta the year for the past 10 years, and have had ingrown nails for the past 5 of them... Bad ones.. He walked in and went, "Whoa.... We're gonna fix those"

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Guest jackdm3
I have played basketball 9 months outta the year for the past 10 years, and have had ingrown nails for the past 5 of them... Bad ones.. He walked in and went, "Whoa.... We're gonna fix those"

They always told me to let them grow a bit and cut them straight across. THAT'S how I got ingrowns. Back in high school. Now I trim roundly and never have a problem. Why intentionally create relatively sharp points just to have them dig in?

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Guest drv2fst

I had them for years on both big toes. Local podiatrist removed both big toenails and permanently killed the nail beds. No problems anymore. One of the best medical decisions ever for me. Sacrifice a couple of toenails to live without that pain? Easy yes. No regrets 15 years later.

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i had them on both big toes and they got so bad they actually got infected. one toe the doctor put 4 syringes full of numbing agent in and i could still feel everything he was doing. it was the closest time in my life i have ever come to passing out. it hurt to walk and heaven forbid i ever hit my toe on something.

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I had them for years on both big toes. Local podiatrist removed both big toenails and permanently killed the nail beds. No problems anymore. One of the best medical decisions ever for me. Sacrifice a couple of toenails to live without that pain? Easy yes. No regrets 15 years later.

Dumb question.....DO they grow back without the ingrown problem, or do you not have any toenails today?

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Guest Glock23ForMe

I've had mine cut out three times... Three times.. I can watch it without blinking at this point. I asked him to remove them this time and he said he could just cut out the sides and put that same agent in the sides to kill the nail beds so they wont grow out any further than they are now... He did tell me that they were genetic, well mine, anyways. He said I had a really, really wide nail and that if I ever played any type of sports with my shoes tight, it would happen. And it did.. Not anymore though...

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Guest Glock23ForMe
one toe the doctor put 4 syringes full of numbing agent in

Today... I got 12 syringes of numbing agent... 6 on each toe, he said three on each were for quick and immediate numbing and the other three were for long term (6 hour) numbing, he also said he saved the last 6, the ones that hurt, until after they were already numb.... Along with 6 Lori's for home.

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Guest Glock23ForMe
welcome to the wonderful world of flipflops now. ever since that happened i have basically just worn flipflops and no issues at all

I know.. I CANT WAIT!!!

I told my GF that I'll be wearing Flip Flops in WINTER now.. .Because I have 5 years of summer to catch up on.

My Facebook Status says: Day 1 of the Flip Flop Saga

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Guest db99wj

You guys and your funky toes. Ill get one that will irritate my toe, maybe even slightly red and puffy, but it is easily fixed by cutting it correctly, but never like what you guys are talking about. Wow. Oh and Crocs rule!

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Guest Glock23ForMe
You guys and your funky toes. Ill get one that will irritate my toe, maybe even slightly red and puffy, but it is easily fixed by cutting it correctly, but never like what you guys are talking about. Wow. Oh and Crocs rule!

They start out red and puffy, and if you screw up that cut... To the podiatrist you go... and +$200 bucks goes with you

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Guest drv2fst
You guys and your funky toes. Ill get one that will irritate my toe, maybe even slightly red and puffy, but it is easily fixed by cutting it correctly, but never like what you guys are talking about. Wow. Oh and Crocs rule!

When I would cut the nail out myself, I would get BIG chunks of nail out from down deep into my toe. My wife was always shocked that the nail could grow that deep into the toe.

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