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Check this out.Sorry if a repost.


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Thought this was wild. Sorry if it is a repost.

Pic's should be at bottom now

Subject: That new rifle

[font=Times New Roman]Sighting in your expensive new deer rifle;

1.Shiny new, high-powered deer rifle............$1,200.00

2. Quality, high-powered scope.........................$550.00

3.Bore sighting device..........................$140.00

4. Forgetting to remove the bore sighting device prior to actually shooting the damnedthing?







5. Hospital Visit...............................$14,893.00


Edited by MudBugjr
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And this is the reason I recommend looking down the bore to sight your gun in. I have heard of this happening more than a few times.

I still don't understand why people spend the money on these, they are rarely good enough to get you on paper at 100 yards. I can always get on paper at 100 yards by looking down the bore. Plus with my absent minded self I would be the one in the picture above.



And if the guy spent $1200 on that rifle I have another Savage I would like to sell him.

Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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I can guratee it is possible to take a barrel and banana it like that with an obstruction. Mythbusters is and has been wrong in the past been about things. Provide enough resistance along with enough pressure and something will give. Perhaps Mythbusters used a smaller caliber than the rifle in the OP but I can assure you it is possible.

Here is a video of a guy who bananas his barrel as well but with what is probably earth in the bore.

YouTube - Gun Blows Up in Face! He should have used Bore Tex!

We have all seen bulges in shotgun barrels from obstructions and shotguns are relatively low pressure with roughly 15K psi being max. Now take the pressure up to the 65K that a 300 Weatherby has and blowing up a barrel is not only possible but likely with an obstruction.


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I can guratee it is possible to take a barrel and banana it like that with an obstruction. Mythbusters is and has been wrong in the past been about things. Provide enough resistance along with enough pressure and something will give. Perhaps Mythbusters used a smaller caliber than the rifle in the OP but I can assure you it is possible.

Here is a video of a guy who bananas his barrel as well but with what is probably earth in the bore.

YouTube - Gun Blows Up in Face! He should have used Bore Tex!

We have all seen bulges in shotgun barrels from obstructions and shotguns are relatively low pressure with roughly 15K psi being max. Now take the pressure up to the 65K that a 300 Weatherby has and blowing up a barrel is not only possible but likely with an obstruction.


Right. Bulges. Not a banana peel.

With the muzzle completely obstructed the pressures are going to reach it's max well before the muzzle. The bore will bulge, maybe even tear, but it would be impossible to banana peel.

Add to that the riffling of the bore being spiral causing the week points throughout the bore to follow the cut of the riffling. That creates less then optimal conditions for a banana peel.

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I can guratee it is possible to take a barrel and banana it like that with an obstruction. Mythbusters is and has been wrong in the past been about things. Provide enough resistance along with enough pressure and something will give. Perhaps Mythbusters used a smaller caliber than the rifle in the OP but I can assure you it is possible.


They have been wrong, infact, it is indeed able to saw down a tree with an AK 47. takes a while, but, its possible.

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