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Gun pointed at you...do you shoot?

Guest wg24

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
I wonder if Guy is just good at ducking punches...

I'm sorry I missed the unedited version of this.

To answer the edited version: No, I'm also good at ducking responsibility and blame. It's why I'm so successful in the business world.

Hmmm.....maybe I should be a politician.........

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I'm sorry I missed the unedited version of this.

To answer the edited version: No, I'm also good at ducking responsibility and blame. It's why I'm so successful in the business world.

Hmmm.....maybe I should be a politician.........

I'm sorry you did too. You'd probably make a great politician. Alot of people like you hold high office. Mainly because some idiots will vote anyone in. :D

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
Yep... I see the love is still flowing back and forth in the thread. I'm going to need some coffee.

Don't worry, I'm gonna quit now. Poor Chuckles is going to have an heart attack, and I don't want Jaime and his mad ninja skills coming off the mountain to hunt me down. :D

Carry on without me, boys.

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  • Administrator
Don't worry, I'm gonna quit now. Poor Chuckles is going to have an heart attack, and I don't want Jaime and his mad ninja skills coming off the mountain to hunt me down. :D

Carry on without me, boys.

No one gets out of here alive!!!

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I'm glad to see that at least one had the sense to walk away.

Nobody likes a quitter.... At least that's what I've always been told.

Then again, I've also heard "You don't have any sense sometimes" a few times too... :D

( Usually uttered when I wouldn't give up on something. Go figure. :) )

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And for the record, there's not a single person on TGO that I wouldn't sit down and have a beer with no matter how much we may have disagreed with something on the forum. It's just that some of you, I'd bust the bottle on the table afterward and stab ya in the face. :D

Just kidding. I bring my Battlemug™ when I'm expecting to have to roll like that. :)

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And for the record, there's not a single person on TGO that I wouldn't sit down and have a beer with no matter how much we may have disagreed with something on the forum. It's just that some of you, I'd bust the bottle on the table afterward and stab ya in the face. :D

Same here, except with some, instead of violence, I'd have to get 'em good and drunk and passed out, then drag 'em off to the nearest tattoo parlor, shave their head, and have a nice tat of a rectum put right on top of their scalp. ;):)

( Used to work with an engineer that I swore I'd do that to, if I ever got the chance... Even had a couple'a co-workers that were gonna help. )

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These thugs we fear are not practiced pistolero's, not that I am either. But I do believe thug criminals do not spend time on a range, or spend time in their woods practicing lateral movement and firing on a target from their back or a knee. In that I have a HUGE advantage.

A lot of guys here train often. Common criminals don't.

That's kind of what I figured - until I read a report (from 2006) that the FBI did about felonious assaults on police officers. The report was entitled 'Violent Encounters' and links to all chapters can be found here:

Xavier Thoughts: Violent Encounters

with the section that is pertinent to this discussion being found in Chapter 4 : Weapons under the heading Firearm Practice which begins on page 46 of the report (page 4 of 18 in that particular section of the PDF.)


This study concluded that many of the offenders in the included cases actually practiced shooting firearms - especially handguns - more than the officers they shot. The offenders really didn't go to the range but practiced in wooded areas, trash dumps and even, "on street corners in known drug-trafficking areas where gunfire was commonplace."

One of the offenders even specifically talked about putting up targets in the woods behind his house and practicing shooting from the draw, while moving, while on the ground and in other positions. I wouldn't want anyone holding a gun on me but I would really hate my chances if the criminal in question was like that guy.

There have also been recent reports about gang members joining the military, getting training (firearm and otherwise) and then returning home to train their fellow gang members. Thankfully, there isn't that much overt gang activity where I live but parts of Knoxville - including the neighborhood where I used to live - has such activity.

For the most part, I still tend to believe that your evaluation is more or less correct. However, it seems that the need to train is not totally lost on all criminals and I wouldn't be surprised if that is a trend which increases in the coming years.

Edited by JAB
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Guest TnRebel

OK here goes my 4vpqw6.jpg .

No one and I mean no one know how they will react to a life or death situation until you have seen the elephant , all you can do is be aware of your surrounding at all time and in you mind as you move about plan you survival moves .. what is at hand for cover , exits , safe phoning place ( for 911 ) but above all how to protect your love one . and any member who has been in combat knows what I mean.

Just saying from an old man who has seen some of the biggest baddest men crumble at the first shot.

So plan and practice and always expect the worst.

Edited by TnRebel
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