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Just found TGO not long ago and have come to check this place out before work, after work and just about any other time I can get on a computer. It is neat having a firearms forum for your state.

Thanks to the management!:)

I second that!!! This place is AWESOME and I'm addicted already too :D

Many thanks to Tungsten and all the other mods that help with this site!!!

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I think a big part of the success is the local FTF that is available and the people are great. Mods are good people and there aren't a lot of know it alls.

I know some other sites jump all over people for failure to inherently know forum lingo, protocal, and everything that has ever been posted before on the site. I recently read a thread (on another forum) that spent two pages going back and forth (rather nastly) about use of emoticons. BTW, emoticons were not the topic either.

Compare that to the the thread where someone asked about .380 and 9mm differences, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the replies. Truly helpful people trying to help other people.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

Compare that to the the thread where someone asked about .380 and 9mm differences, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the replies. Truly helpful people trying to help other people.

I think I was the one that asked for that clarification. And feeling dumb that I even had to ask. I figured I'd get at least one "if you're too dense to know the difference, you shouldn't carry a gun." But the answers I got made me not feel so stupid, and they completely answered my question.

I'd like to thank all of you for any help you've ever given me and all the knowledge you share. It's priceless.

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Yep...great place. Find myself on here all the time. I have a program that runs in the systems tray that checks my e-mail. When I get one from the forum it plays a .mp3 of an AK-47...I find myself running over to the computer ever time it fires.

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