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I am thinking seriously of transitioning from Glock to Ruger SR9/40 for EDC

Guest TN_Mike

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Guest TN_Mike

After recently handling and shooting a Ruger SR9c and a Ruger SR40 I have decided that I need to transition from my long carried and beloved Glock 23 to the Ruger SR40 for EDC and the SR9c for deep concealment carry (or wait until the SR40c is introduced).

I would love to hear others views on the Ruger SR9/40.

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Guest TN_Mike
Ruger makes a fine firearm. I'm not a huge fan of my dad's SR9 but it's a good gun no doubt. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Can you give some insight as to why you are not a fan of your Dad's SR9? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

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I've had two SR9's. Great guns. The parts I didn't like was that for the trigger to get really better, I had to take the mag safety out. Didn't want that liability, if. The other thing I had a problem with is the angle difference from Glock. The SR9 is a 1911 angle, and it really messed with my muscle memory per my Glocks. It's definitely an either/or for me. I decided to stay Glock. I liked the SR9 a lot, but not enough.

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Can you give some insight as to why you are not a fan of your Dad's SR9? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

My dad has one of the earlier SR9's and the trigger is really gritty. I've heard the newer ones have better triggers but I don't know for sure.

Also, the side safety pinches my thumbs when I try to rack the slide. And to be honest, the entire gun just feels cheap to me. I found the fit and finish to be lacking but I haven't seen anyone else say the same so maybe I'm just weird.

They are accurate guns though.

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My wife has an SR9c for carry, and I very nearly bought one myself for carry. The newer models have definitely fixed the trigger issues. In fact, I think it has a much better stock trigger than my M&P. I did remove the mag safety from it, that takes all of about 5 minutes. It is a very accurate little gun and I do like that it comes with a full sized mag w/ grip extension giving you 17 in your reload. Leaning towards and 1911 grip angle, the backstrap flips around to replicate either a flat or arched mainspring housing, I thought that was kinda neat. All in all they are great guns and if not for a few intangibles along the lines of "I just like it better" I would be using one now as my EDC.

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I've had my SR9c for about 6 months and love it. As others have said, the trigger is much better than on the early full size models and the dual recoil spring is a big improvement also. Haven't handled the 40, yet.

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I love my full size SR9. Bought it in olive drab a year ago and have put every kind of ammo you could think of through it without a single hitch. It has a lot better feel than the Glocks I've tried. It always goes bang when I pull the trigger & puts holes right where I want 'em. It's a well made firearm & I think you'll be pleased with the SR9. I haven't tried the 40 yet, but will in a few weeks.

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Guest TN_Mike
I love my full size SR9. Bought it in olive drab a year ago and have put every kind of ammo you could think of through it without a single hitch. It has a lot better feel than the Glocks I've tried. It always goes bang when I pull the trigger & puts holes right where I want 'em. It's a well made firearm & I think you'll be pleased with the SR9. I haven't tried the 40 yet, but will in a few weeks.

Please post a range report after you shoot the .40. I am a die hard 40cal guy and I would really be interested in knowing your opinion of the SR40. I have heard and read that it is a "softer" shooting .40. I assume this is because of the dual recoil spring set up. But I'd really like to hear from someone who isn't a gun writer who has shot the SR40.

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Mike, FYI, the new SR40's are supposed to be great guns. A few members here have them and have posted about them. Do a search on it and see what comes up.

Also, there is one for sale on Glocktalk NIB for only $350. That's cheap! And Bud's has them for $398 IIRC

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Guest TheMikeLurie

I absolutely LOVE my Ruger SR9.

I love the trigger. For a DAO, it is extremely smooth and short. Nothing like other DAO pistols I have shot. It's reliable. I have put numerous brands of ammo through it without a malfunction. I'm up over 3000 rounds and have not experienced a malfunction. The safety features are many.

Initially I got the pistol for my wife as her first carry gun after she completed the class. I liked that it had an external safety, the magazine safety and the chamber loaded indicator is massive. For her, being her first gun, it was important that she feel safe handling it. There is no way you can pick this pistol up loaded and not know it's loaded.

After I purchased the SR9 for her, we got a little .380 mouse gun and she ended up carrying that a lot more than the SR9. Because she works in a field (psychologist for adults with mental disabilities) it is important that she always has the pistol on her. She can't just have it in her purse and risk setting the purse down somewhere where one of her clients could get to it. For a woman, due to wardrobe options, wearing it on the hip is not always an option. So she ends up taking the .380.

I liked the SR9 so much that when she decided not to carry it, it immediately became my carry weapon. I have since tried to find something else, and I have looked at Glocks, Springfield XDm, S&W Sigma and a few others... and I have made a conscious effort to find a replacement for the SR9. I can't do it.... nothing I purchase, nothing I shoot feels as good as the SR9. And I think that says it all. When you actively try to find a replacement EDC pistol and just can't find anything that you like better, that's God telling you that you already have the ideal pistol.

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My SR9 was my first pistol besides .22 autos. So I don't have a lot experience with other pistols. It's easy to clean and take completely down. After 1000 rds I installed a Ghost Ultimate but didn't have favorable results so I'm back to the stock trigger bar. I think the action could be smoother but it is very accurate with good ammo.

I have shot a Beretta PX4 and almost regret not getting this pistol instead, I still have it on my list but can't bring myself to depart with the SR9. I also shot a XD compact in 9mm, felt similar to the SR but not as impressive (to me) as the PX4.

I'm looking forward to seeing and using a LC9 which may be something else for you to consider?

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Guest The Highlander

I have carried Glocks for about 15 years. But as soon as I picked up an SR9, I fell in love with it. If I could only have one 9mm, the SR9 might be it. Well, probably not, the SIG P210 would likely be the only 9mm.

But, the grip angle, ergonomics, feel, accuracy, and so on of the SR9 are almost perfect. Feels like a Commander 1911 to me. Carry even easier than the Glock G17 I generally carry as well.

There is nothing I don't like about the SR9!

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Guest Sgt. Joe
i have been pretty impressed with mine. plenty accurate, comfortable, and i prefer the 1911 grip angle.

i want an OD SR9 to match my AR.

My OD SR9 was an early 2009 build and the trigger is fine, it got even better after about 5-600 rounds, I also wanted it in OD to match my Armalite M-15 but the green is way different. (Oh Well)

I was at the time carrying a Walther PPS-9 and mags for those at the time were impossible to find and I wanted more capacity. Once I picked up the SR9 I was hooked and ordered the OD one. It felt like they made that thing just for my hands. I still like the feel of it a tad better than the "c" although there is less than an inch difference in length, the overall height is the same when using the 17 round mags in the "c" and the thickness is the same.

I then ordered the SR9c sight unseen as soon as they announced them, I got mine just a week after they were put to market last Jan., it would have also been in OD but they have not made those in OD as of yet so it is stainless over black and I think it looks pretty sharp. When I first saw it I was disappointed that it was not smaller but got over that quick once I held and fired it. I do not ever use or carry the 10 round mag and have ordered extra 17's for both.

I super glued two of the slip on extensions for exclusive use with the "c" and marked them on the bottom so it is easy to tell which ones they are and I dont have to worry about the slip on extensions ever coming off. I keep several other slip ons so that those mags can be used with either pistol at the range. I do mark and number all my mags just in case I was to have a problem with one it would be easier to remember and identify, fingernail polish works great for that.

Much better and way more important than looks is how sweet they both shoot. Both were highly accurate right out of the box but I did put some laserlyte sights on the "c' as I carry it most often. I am quite happy with those also. I still seem to be much better with the full size model and I am still amazed at how accurate I can shoot that thing. Several times I have rapid fired and reloaded as fast as I could at 25 yards with the full size and put 34 of 35 into the head mostly just point shooting the thing, I am still a bit chapped at that one round that always ends up just out side the head of the target, I have yet to get all 35 in there.

The mags as with most new ones are hard to load even with the loader when they are new but do loosen up pretty quick.

Most of all I like that they are American made weapons and that the 17 round mags are interchangeable and the simple little fact that I have yet to have a function failure of any kind from either pistol. I have probably near 5K rounds through the FS and at least half that through the "c".

I have only read one user review of the SR40 but the dude who had it was totally impressed and did say the recoil felt the same as a 9. I do however want to shoot one for myself before buying one so I may be in for quite the wait on that. Then again if I see one in the store I guess all bets are off.

I am rather new to the handgun world (a couple years) so I sure dont know all about anything, but I do know what I like and I do LOVE both my SR series Rugers, I am also kinda fond of my SP-101 spin-shooter too, and I am waiting for a basic "Sporter" 10-22 to come in now and while I have yet to shoot it I also recently picked up a Mark III.

I guess one may say I do kinda like the Rugers.:up:

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