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The Trump for president?

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Guest 6.8 AR

Well said, mav. The impassioned defense is probably a misguided mainstream belief that they

heard and never bothered to get at it, easier to sound good and be wrong.

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Guest Oaklands

I'm a bit on the fence with Trump. I would like to think he would use his business skills to get us back on an even playing field with the rest of the world as far as trade goes.

We are only going to get out of this situation by getting the trade deficit under control and making this country more tax friendly to corporations in order to get us back in the producing business.

It's a proven fact that everyone in America could be taxed at 100% and not put enough dent in the deficit to matter. Trump is very blunt and has made remarks about hearing how the Chinese make fun of us in meetings. I would hope he would attack our problems in a business like manner and get us back where we belong.

The last thing I would hope for is he would make welfare recipients have to perform some sort of work for their money.

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Guest 6.8 AR

It has nothing to do with taxation. It's all about government growth:spending. You can tax everyone until

the cows come home and it wouldn't make a dent in the budget woes until those power hungry fools quit

spending. That means budget cuts and take your country back, yes even with force, if necessary. If it doesn't

get under control soon, their spending will put us in such a weak situation that only a war and a restart

could solve. No one really wants that.

I really doubt Trump will run, but he wouldn't be a bad choice if he's sincere in what I've heard him say.

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It has nothing to do with taxation. It's all about government growth:spending.

This - our tax revenues - even this year - are higher than every other year in the history of this country before 2005.

Out spending in the year 2000? $1.7T Spending today? $3.9T

It's absurd to think we don't collect enough revenue - we're simply over spending! Cut spending NOW!

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Taxe are higher because no one produces anything, waaaaaay to many people work gov jobs or administrative jobs. No one is actually producing products that generate revenue in this country anymore. Something has to fund this vacuous country.

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Taxe are higher because no one produces anything, waaaaaay to many people work gov jobs or administrative jobs. No one is actually producing products that generate revenue in this country anymore. Something has to fund this vacuous country.

This not true. There are millions of people who work hard and produce goods and services here in the US. Down side is half of them cant produce an AMERICAN birth certificate either. would LOL, but it is too true

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This not true. There are millions of people who work hard and produce goods and services here in the US. Down side is half of them cant produce an AMERICAN birth certificate either. would LOL, but it is too true

I can't cite the source but I read that there are more people working in gov't than there are workers in the USA actually producing goods. I want to say 60% gov't worker to 40% producer. ( not counting agricultural workers.)

Something is wrong with that.

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I can't cite the source but I read that there are more people working in gov't than there are workers in the USA actually producing goods. I want to say 60% gov't worker to 40% producer. ( not counting agricultural workers.)

Something is wrong with that.

FWIW, US Census as of March, 2009


15.1 million civilian workers, counting USPS.

Dunno how to translate that in relation to your comment, though.

- OS

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If you want to understand better why so many states—from New York to Wisconsin to California—are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, consider this depressing statistic: Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.

It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. Nearly half of the $2.2 trillion cost of state and local governments is the $1 trillion-a-year tab for pay and benefits of state and local employees. Is it any wonder that so many states and cities cannot pay their bills?

Just sayin'...

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Guest HvyMtl

Hmm. Donald Trump for President...

Why not? I mean after all, he has bankrupted, what, 3 times? He already knows how to shirk his financial responsibilities, he'll fit right in, in D.C. :rolleyes:

As for the Birther thing. I think Bill O'Reilly says it best...

O'Reilly debunks series of birth certificate falsehoods | Media Matters for America

Yes, that is Bill O'Reilly refuting the Birther's beliefs...

The quickest way to refute the "Born in Kenya" is BOTH newspapers in Honolulu have O's birth announcement the week of his birth ... (one notified by the family, the other notifiedby the State Department of Health about the birth) and know that Kenya did not exist at the time of O's birth.

I actually looked into this crap. What I found was this: There was a witness (Nurse) who stepped forward and remembers the birth at the hospital (due to O's Mom being named Stanley, the same as the nurse's father.) The two birth announcements in the Honolulu newspapers, the Indonesian school records giving his birth place as Hawaii, the Hawaii law being written in a manner where anyone, even the President, requests a copy of the birth certificate, they get the short form, seen multiple times in the media, and said short form, by Federal Law is accepted as the official birth certificate, his ability to get ID, such as drivers license in Illinois (proof of Birth Date - a birth certificate, military identification card or immigration or naturalization certificate: Had there been a immigration or naturalization certificate, it would have been outed by now, the DMV is not the most secure with private info...) one of the thousand or so Hawaii state employees having access has not sold it to the Nation Enquirer, etc. etc.

Now, there may be something on the Long birth certificate he may not want out there, like his mom not naming his father (possible) or the like.

But, unlike John McCain, Obama was born in the US. McCain was born in a private hospital in Panama, not on any U.S. property or base. Were it not for his parents being US Citizens, McCain would not have been eligible. Note: As O's mom was a US Citizen, and he is one, too...

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Guest Lester Weevils

If Trump wins a Repub nomination, I'm voting libertarian as usual. If the Repubs can't nominate a decent candidate, I feel no obligation to vote Repub just because he's not BHO.

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I'd like to see Ron Paul run, but am honestly somewhat curious about Trump. Be interesting to see what happens here - hopefully the fiscal conservatives will look outside of the norm we've had for the last 30 years and try to find someone who is dedicated to real spending cuts.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Hi Crimsonaudio

I'm basically a libertarian not a republican. I could give a flip about "values issues" as long as they don't bankrupt the nation.

IMO they can either legalize drugs or impose death sentence on possession of a joint, as long as they balance the budget. They can either criminalize abortion or legalize abortion-on-demand at every walgreens, as long as they balance the budget. They can either hand-out tax credits for married gays or execute people for driving-while-gay, as long as they balance the budget. Doh, the budget is the issue. I'd prefer a socially-liberal fiscally-conservative gov, but will settle for just a fiscally-conservative gov if that is the only achievable choice.

Maybe Pawlenty is OK but he seems a midwestern phenom. Dunno much about him. Maybe he's OK.

It would be difficult to vote for Romney and dern near impossible to vote for Palin or Bachmann or Gingrich. Maybe Christie could do OK in the job, but I don't see how he could win.

The only repub candidate I like so far is Herman Cain.

I voted Ron Paul primary in 2008 then voted libertarian in the final election. I like Ron Paul fine but he is too old and wouldn't really be an effective pres, regardless of how much I like him. President is a job requiring a young man or at least a vigorous middle-aged man with some brain cells left. Age imparts wisdom, but age is not kind to one's brain-cell count. I'm an old guy and ain't being age-bigoted. Only realistic about capabilities.

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Hmm. Donald Trump for President...

But, unlike John McCain, Obama was born in the US. McCain was born in a private hospital in Panama, not on any U.S. property or base. Were it not for his parents being US Citizens, McCain would not have been eligible.

Damn, missed it by that much!

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this old man will never vote for an anti-gun president. trump has already come out to renew the so called assault weapon ban and high capacity magazines. the president can do no more than congress will let him but why take a chance.

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ok he was born here he is an american where is his school records i have 2 good friends that were at harvard at the same time he was they never heard of him onr of them worked on the kaw reveiw i dont understand why he wont release hid school records or why he or his wife no longer have a law licence both of them lost them in the c90s but kept jobs that they were supposed to have them by the way he will be relected he controles the news media and the banks tough to beet and the gop just keeps comming out with clowns altho i would like to see palin in charge it wont happen just my 2 cents worth

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Lester, I think we're pretty close, ideologically. I often describe myself as an 'independent constitutionalist, borderline libertarian'. I honestly think the government needs to get out of the morality business and focus on respecting / defending our individual liberties. There's zero question in my mind that both the Ds and Rs have lost their way and prefer having the government act as our daddy.

'Freedom to do anything which does not impinge upon another's rights' pretty much sums up my view...

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Lester, I think we're pretty close, ideologically. I often describe myself as an 'independent constitutionalist, borderline libertarian'. I honestly think the government needs to get out of the morality business and focus on respecting / defending our individual liberties. There's zero question in my mind that both the Ds and Rs have lost their way and prefer having the government act as our daddy.

'Freedom to do anything which does not impinge upon another's rights' pretty much sums up my view...

The problem is, our form of gov only works in a moralistic society, which we no longer are. The only way that would change is if media went back more towards Andy Griffith show and less towards porn. People emulate what they see.

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Guest HvyMtl

macville, its more gore than porn on tv. I swear, if they make another CSI spin off...

The problem is the couching of politics in moral/religious terms. Us vs. Them. Good vs. Evil. Such "black vs white" political terms does not allow for the grey reality.

We are becoming too polarized. There is little space for the middle anymore. The last time we, as a nation, were as, or more, polarized was just before the Civil War.

My views are more towards this: Minimize government on a lot of topics and issues. I see several invasive government acts which waste $. Basically, the government is to protect the citizen from foreign invasions, balance trade in a manner which benefits its citizens, even over corporations, health and well being for its citizens (within limits) and allow its citizens the liberty they wish (within logic and reason...)

Personally, I see the present government as the fault of the citizens. WE are the idiots that continue to vote for one, or both, sides of the same coin. WE are responsible for allowing our government to get too big, too invasive, and too anti-citizen. And yet, we are still here, looking to the same stale two parties we have had for ages, that only interact with citizens when their vote is needed.

Sad... That a character like Trump would be even considered as a legitimate candidate...

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I don't know if I could vote for Trump or not, but he is much closer to what the founders had in mind. A business person, not a professional politician.

I agree, Glenn. While I don't know enough about Trump to say whether I'd vote for him or not, he's a heck of a lost closer, generally speaking, to what we ought to be electing than the career politicians that typically litter the ballots...

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