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Smith & Wesson Customer Service Experience Report


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I bought a Bodyguard .380 from D&T in February 2011, and the laser worked fine when I got it and also on the few occasions I tested it later. However, when I finally fired the gun in early June, the laser had become VERY difficult to activate...so hard in fact, that I had to turn the gun over and use hard pressure with my fingernail to get it to turn on or off...

Nathan at D&T suggested that I deal directly with S&W myself as they would likely give me better service than through a dealer. I filed my online request with S&W about 3 weeks ago, but didnt hear anything at all. One week ago, I went back to their web site and filed another request. Yesterday, I received an email from them with an attached printable Fedex shipping label and instructions on how to return the weapon to S&W. I went to Fedex and the label was for Priority 2 day shipping, with which Fedex includes the box. Shipped it out yesterday to S&W on their dime.

I'm not sure if it took 3 weeks for them to respond or if their was an internet glitch with the first request and it only took one week...

I'll post an update when I hear from them again.

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Agreed,S&W does a great job ,the lazer is not a simple tap of the finger as shown on the S&W promo videos

it does take some pressure,I figure if I need to grab it in the dark ill have enough time to tap it on however

for targets and fun shooting I never use it and its way off target compared to the sights...

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I am still waiting to see if their customer service is as good as all say it is. I sent my newly purchased used PPK in for the recall and to check it over for proper function. Fed ex tracks great to see it gets deliverd and then sent an email to S&W 5 days later for any info and about how long it might take and it they have away to track or would they notify me when ready to ship back.. Took 24 hours to respond to email and then not much of a respones. All they said was it should take 4 weeks to repair. Nothing else, short and sweet.

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My experience with S&W customer service has been excellent. Responsive and quick turnaround. Less that a week total time. That was with a S&W handgun. I have heard, but not experienced, that the Walther turnaround time is somewhat longer.

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Walther, while handled by S&W, is a separate process. As far as his original problem the laser was not just hard to turn on it was down right difficult and took a LOT of pressure. I hope they get it fixed for you quickly. The few times I have used them personally I was pleased.

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