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wally walk...serious?

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Guest ArmaDeFuego
Don't be shy, walk proud with that thing! You will be surprised to discover how few people really take notice. I OC frequently and rarely get a second look and have never had a comment.

I havent really OC'd yet. The closest I've gotten is walking around with a giant OWB holster on & just a T-shirt covering it. Anyone paying any attention at all can tell I got some kind of gigantic bulge on my side. I'm sure LEOs & maybe other HCP holders that are looking can easily tell what it is. Most people dont give it a second thought though. They probably think its a gigantic cell phone.

I dont OC mainly 'cause I dont want any hassle. I dont want people looking at me or asking me questions, & I definitely dont wanna be the cause of an LEO getting a "man with a gun" call that he has to waste his time on.

I might OC one day though just to see if it feel any different. I'll probably feel really awkward at first, like a wannabe cop, but maybe I'll get used to it. :rolleyes:

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Guest President Fernatt

The walmart in Sevierville is the 2nd busiest in the nation and used to be very gun friendly. Apparently there has been a change in managers in the last 2 years. The old manager was a really nice conservative guy in his late 40's early 50's...apparently the new manager is a bit young and maybe more liberal because now the store frowns on carrying. The new manager may be under stress to change things up and prove himself or something...I don't know. It's a shame though!

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Guest 808-South
The walmart in Sevierville is the 2nd busiest in the nation and used to be very gun friendly. Apparently there has been a change in managers in the last 2 years. The old manager was a really nice conservative guy in his late 40's early 50's...apparently the new manager is a bit young and maybe more liberal because now the store frowns on carrying. The new manager may be under stress to change things up and prove himself or something...I don't know. It's a shame though!
Thanks for the tip. I was planning on my walk there.....
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Guest President Fernatt
Thanks for the tip. I was planning on my walk there.....

No problem. My understanding is that there are now gunbusters on the main entrances. You could go through the garden center or the tire center and technically never see or be aware of the signs but they are posted appropriately since the signs are at the main entrance. This is from the conversation I had with some of the employees and guys at the gun range but I personally have not been to Walmart recently to verify this. Drop by there and check for yourself before ending your dream of the wally walk in Sevierville. If they are posted, do your Wally Walk at one in Knox.

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No problem. My understanding is that there are now gunbusters on the main entrances. You could go through the garden center or the tire center and technically never see or be aware of the signs but they are posted appropriately since the signs are at the main entrance. This is from the conversation I had with some of the employees and guys at the gun range but I personally have not been to Walmart recently to verify this. Drop by there and check for yourself before ending your dream of the wally walk in Sevierville. If they are posted, do your Wally Walk at one in Knox.

If there are signs, someone there should report it to corporate. As stated earlier Wal-Mart corporate policy is to follow the laws of the state where the store is located, AFAIK local managers can't go against that policy.

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If there are signs, someone there should report it to corporate. As stated earlier Wal-Mart corporate policy is to follow the laws of the state where the store is located, AFAIK local managers can't go against that policy.


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A person carrying a gun is DEFINITELY NOT the scariest thing I have ever seen at wal-mart! 300 lb women with tight cotten spandex pants that say "bootylicious" will make me run for cover.

I work at a bank inside a Walmart and I'll just say, "Yes, people do wear this stuff and yes, there are much much scarier things in a Walmart than an armed citizen. I feel the need to bleach my eyes at least twice a day."

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oh id wear it proudly...I just dont want to walk around with my shirt completely buldged out and my OWB printing like a sore thumb...I usually wear a Large t-shirt, even with a XL it is wayyyy noticeable. Im gonna have to dress like a hoodlum until my crossbred comes if I even wanna think about carrying..lol

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Guest 808-South
well i actually carried in somewhere tonight my first time...but it was just a quick open carry...in and out of the gas station to get a can of dip...i indeed felt a little nervous.
It wasnt the carry that made you nervous. It was the cravings for the dip that had you feeling wierd & nervous.....ahahaha
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Guest bluecanary25

One could be very surprised as to the number of sheeple blissfully unaware that you have a firearm.

Light colored shirt tucked into pants (old school), OWB black leather holster, black colored handgun at 5 O'clock postion. Sheeple walk by and do not see it. I choose to OC, I get better customer service ;).

Do the Wally Walk, get comfortable carrying a firearm in public. Concealed or open, do what you think is right for you.

Tn law does not require a holster while carrying, IIRC. Stick it in your waistband, put it in your pocket....

AND TELL HER that you ARE HAPPY to see her!!!!!

Safety first and use situational awareness. Ifyou are not comfortable carrying, you may decide to leave the gun in the car.... just an expensive paperweight that you can't reach if you need it!

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One could be very surprised as to the number of sheeple blissfully unaware that you have a firearm.

Light colored shirt tucked into pants (old school), OWB black leather holster, black colored handgun at 5 O'clock postion. Sheeple walk by and do not see it. I choose to OC, I get better customer service ;).

Do the Wally Walk, get comfortable carrying a firearm in public. Concealed or open, do what you think is right for you.

Tn law does not require a holster while carrying, IIRC. Stick it in your waistband, put it in your pocket....

AND TELL HER that you ARE HAPPY to see her!!!!!

Safety first and use situational awareness. Ifyou are not comfortable carrying, you may decide to leave the gun in the car.... just an expensive paperweight that you can't reach if you need it!

it will not be a paperweight...

I know i will probably get bashed for this....but at the moment I havent gotten around to carrying with 1 chambered....I carry loaded, but not chambered since my arm uses an internal safety trigger mechanism...Once I get more comfortable carrying and holstering etc with I will then begin to chamber.

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it will not be a paperweight...

I know i will probably get bashed for this....but at the moment I havent gotten around to carrying with 1 chambered....I carry loaded, but not chambered since my arm uses an internal safety trigger mechanism...Once I get more comfortable carrying and holstering etc with I will then begin to chamber.

I won't bash because I don't fins it constructive. I will say this, go to a range and practice drawing and chambering if that's how you are gonna carry. It's definitely not my choice but if that's yours training is essential.

Oh and I carry a single action 1911. I also pocket carry a p238 cocked and locked. Once you get over the initial nervousness you will find it no big deal to carry, and carry chambered

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Guest President Fernatt
This is mainly the issue!

I used to be nervous and unsure about carrying chambered. Then, someone mentioned a scenario where "what if" one of my arms was not functioning due to possible injury or gunshot. I decided I don't want to put myself in that situation of being injured and unable to chamber a round except by using my teeth to bite and pull the slide back. OUCH! I have been totally confident carrying chambered ever since lol

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instead of a wally walk, i carried 2 more places this evening. Inside the local food city and dollar store. I am still very nervous. I guess its because I have been carrying open these couple of times due to having an OWB holster until my crossbreed gets here

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it will not be a paperweight...

I know i will probably get bashed for this....but at the moment I havent gotten around to carrying with 1 chambered....I carry loaded, but not chambered since my arm uses an internal safety trigger mechanism...Once I get more comfortable carrying and holstering etc with I will then begin to chamber.

Do your own thing. Start out doing what makes you comfortable. Tombstone wasn't built over night.

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Guest bluecanary25


Good for you on carrying!!

As you get comfortable with having a firearm on you, the nervousness deminishes.

You may have noticed the majority of people did NOT SEE your gun....

And those that did see it were not injured by its presence.

You are not a criminal, so why feel like one as you go about your business?

Hope your holster arrives soon, so you can evaluate the method of carry that is comfortable for you.

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Good for you on carrying!!

As you get comfortable with having a firearm on you, the nervousness deminishes.

You may have noticed the majority of people did NOT SEE your gun....

And those that did see it were not injured by its presence.

You are not a criminal, so why feel like one as you go about your business?

Hope your holster arrives soon, so you can evaluate the method of carry that is comfortable for you.

Thanks...I dont think the crossbreed is ever going to arrive.

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Since I started carrying, I've made Wally World, McD's, Burger King, Cracker Barrel, went into a liquor store a few days ago, etc. Hey, it's legal if it isn't posted otherwise. Don't sweat it, just go on about your business.

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