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New Trucks vs. Used Trucks

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If you asked me to consider a "new" vehicle six months ago i would have laughed in your face. After the situation with my most recent purchase ( BBC Boards: When in doubt about cars--ask JerryT--and listen....... ) i am thinking about trading out of this car and buying a new truck. I have had a lot of vehicle problems over the last few years by purchasing things in the 10-15k dollar range. I've ran through 9 vehicles in my nine years of driving either because it wasnt the truck i wanted or it proved to be unreliable (the most common issue.) I really want to quit playing the car game and buy something new and keep it for many many years. What are you thoughts--no brand suggestions--just buying suggestions.

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Guest clownsdd

25k miles or less, with a car fax report. Do your research in what the vehicle you are looking for would run. Purchase from a reputable dealer (also research). Just remember, if it looks too good, it usually is. Also, one good customer will tell 3 people, 1 bad customer will tell 30.

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I will keep my 21 year old ford ranger a bit longer. It is still a baby. I told my wife the other day it just old enough to drink now which is a good thing since they are putting ethanol in our gas. It was a new truck before I had my DL.

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Depends on the truck.A diesel, definitely used infact all the way back to the early 2000's. The new emission regs for diesels have turned them into a weaker species of power with bad mileage to boot.

Edited by Dad03
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Depends on the truck.A diesel, definitely used infact all the back way to the early 2000's. The new emission regs for diesels have turned them into a weaker species of power with bad mileage to boot.

I love my duramax over 200,000 miles on it plan on keeping a lot longer.

The downside is maintence is expensive and need to find a good diesel mechanic

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It just depends on your budget and what you want. I know several guys who buy a $500-$1000 car, and drive it till it quits, and go get another. They seem to have pretty good luck that way. I know others who trade for a new car every 1-2 years. They have pretty good luck as well. I've had good luck with 2-5 year old used vehicles. However, I am in the market for another car, and because of the flood in Middle Tennessee last year, I am leery of used cars. I may just but a new one this time.

It also depends on what you want. A gently used Chrysler product can be had for a small fraction of a new one, while a high mileage Honda is nearly the same price as a new one.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Hi Parrothead

Dunno nothin about vehicles. Best price versus quality-- Bought daughter a 10,000 mile used car from a dealer who used to sell mostly off-lease low mileage Budget Rent-a-Cars. The rental companies charge so much for renter abuse of the vehicles, and presumably the big rental companies are smart enough to make sure the routine maintenance is done on time. The car looked brand new 18 months old at 60 percent of retail. Came with the remainder of the factory warranty (which never had to be used). Never had a lick of trouble out of that car and daughter when younger was rough on cars. It was just like buying a new car for 60 percent of retail.

If buying a low-mileage trade-in that comes from an individual rather than a fleet, I would be paranoid that maybe it is an abused repo or a lemon so bad that the previous owner traded just to get rid of the car. Just ignorance speaking because I dunno nothin about vehicles.

Am not aware of current dealers who specialize selling off-lease vehicles. Maybe there is a way to find the dealers who sell a lot of them? Given the positive experience on daughter's car, it would be the first place I'd shop if that old dealer was still in business.

It seems that old people have better luck with vehicles than young people. Maybe that isn't true. If true, maybe old people are more careful treating the vehicle better. Anyway if it is true, then the older you get then the better your luck will get on vehicles. :D It probably enhances longevity if one doesn't drive many miles per year.

Over 42 years had 8 personal vehicles. Two were youthful mistakes that would barely run when I bought em. I still have two of em. So that leaves 4 in the middle.

Except the two mistakes, all gave excellent service and lasted great. All were bought new and kept many years. I have the attitude that I'd rather take my chances on buying a new lemon rather than take the chance of buying somebody else's low-mileage lemon.

One problem with keeping a car until the wheels fall off-- Forget about any realistic trade-in value. It isn't a bad plan after a new car is paid-off to keep making the same payment into a special savings account. Then finally when the wheels are about to fall off you can go buy a new vehicle for cash and still have money in the bank.

The recent vehicles seem much better built than in the past. Higher odds of staying on the road a long time with minimal maintenance. I'm not patient with frequent repairs so when a vehicle finally starts needing lots of repairs or ever leaves me on the side of the road then its gone quick. That just hasn't happened much to me.

In the past, trucks and commercial-type vans seemed much better built and more durable than cars. Dunno if that is still the case, though all the newer vehicles seem built pretty good.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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I buy new and used, just depends on the deals at the time. A year ago when I bought my Tacoma, I wanted a truck with less than 20K miles. Between the used market and finance rates, used only cost me 2000.00 dollars more than used truck with 15K miles. For 2000.00 I will take the new truck and better interest rate.

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like Lester Weevils, when we brought my wifes Tauras, brought an off lease from Ford with the remaining factory warranty. Got it about 1 year old, about half the list price of a new Tauras with it's options. They tried to sell me the extended warranty I declined. (turned out to be the good moved as we recently just past the mileage that would have expired that). The Car has been good for us.

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only bought 2 new vehicles in my life and still got them. dont drive them anymore though. got an 82 dodge 1/2 ton with cummins in it and a 90 dodge with cummins and dont plan on buying any of the new electronic stuff that takes a philadelphia lawyer to work on for what ever life i have left. with a little research one can usually find great used vehicles for less than half the new and drive them for years. if i had left my 90 alone 2 window motors and a radiator and a brake job would have been the repairs from 97 to present.

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