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TV's Hardcore Pawn gun buy LOL

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Some things I noticed.

Didn't the wife say she had a permit? I thought she did, but she didn't know how to hold the gun?

The daughter had her finger on the slide when she shot her one round.

None of them I thought had proper hand positions when shooting.

The store owner flew off the handle too quick because dad asked if they could get a deal on the holsters.

The daughter said she thought the owner was gonna pull his gun on them. That was ignorant to say.

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The store owner flew off the handle too quick because dad asked if they could get a deal on the holsters.

I rarely watch that show because the pawn shop owner and his kids are all annoying, bullying a-holes (not to mention I hate most reality shows, in general.) The pawnshop owner also strikes me as a bit slimy and probably crooked. I did happen to see that episode, however (actually watched it because the fact they were buying/'training' with firearms figured so prominently in the previews) and rather than thinking the gun shop owner is just a hot head I had to wonder what the jackass pawnshop owner had already done/said previously that producers, etc. edited out. The gun shop owner had probably told them no discounts on the front end or maybe had already given them discounts on other stuff and the pawnshop owner probably just continued to push his buttons. Why in the hell did the pawnshop owner think he should get a 'discount' on the holsters, anyhow? After all, he was buying new gear from a regular store not some second hand stuff from a pawnshop like the one he owns.

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Anything on TruTV most likely isn't True.....

Discovery and History Channel are just about as bad.

Honestly most everything on TV is "deceiving".

I spotted this Hardcore Pawn show one night while flipping through channels. I didn't bother watching for long but most of the shows on TruTV are "re-enactments" using actors and embellished scripts, per the disclaimer in the small text of the credits. I'd suspect it's the same with this show.

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