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Attorney in Memphis

Guest Revelator

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Guest Revelator

Hi everyone. My name's Patrick, I'm brand new. I patrolled this site some for the last couple weeks and have decided to jump in. A little bit of backstory for you: I started carrying a gun last year. Before that I had never owned one, never fired one. Did not grow up in a house with guns. But after the VA Tech shootings last year I thought, "This world is crazy. I'm going to take some steps to protect myself." I took the class, bought a pistol (an M&P 40 compact--love it) and now I carry everyday, everywhere. Also, I recently purchased a Mossberg 12 gauge 500 for the home. I love to play blackjack, too, but I digress.

As a lawyer I am very interested in the legal aspect of firearms, including the right to own and carry, self defense, and liability. I am glad I live in a state where the laws, in terms of both ownership rights and criminal and civil liability, are in favor of the gun owner. Let's keep it that way. It so happens that I practice criminal defense almost exclusively, and I've represented a number of guys charged with violent, gun-related crimes (there's no shortage of that in Memphis). As a criminal attorney and a citizen of this city I spend a lot of time thinking about violent crime and how the thugs who commit it get access to guns. But that's for another post.

So that's about it. I'm excited to have a forum to talk about stuff like this. I'll be around.

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Guest Revelator

Hope to see you at the Memphis/West-TN Meet and Great 03/21 at Range USA


Oh....and please feel free to take over looking up and posting T.C.A. code from me...lol

I'll be glad take over as research guy. Having some legal authority to back you up never hurts. Darn, I can't make it to that meet and greet; I'm going out of town that weekend.

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I'll be glad take over as research guy. Having some legal authority to back you up never hurts. Darn, I can't make it to that meet and greet; I'm going out of town that weekend.

Well honestly I like look things up, but you can at least back me up or tell me I'm way off base....lol But something you may have access to that I don't, at least not readily is case law on certain matters.

On the M&G, maybe you can make the next one. I'm not 100% sure, but think they have settled on the 3rd Fri every month.

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