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Mr. Mom?

Guest GunTroll

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Guest Victor9er
I am a stay at home dad and full time "home maker". LOL


Same here... well I don't know about the "home maker" part... when you have two young boys running around the house all day it seems like it's more of a "home unmaker" sometimes LOL

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Guest GunTroll

Well, glad I'm not alone then. I had no idea what sort of work went/goes into homemaker, Mr. Mom, child caring, or whatever anyone feels like calling it. I am now informed its not called baby sitting when they are your own. Guess thats about right. Hats off to you other fathers out there.

I have a four year old and a 9 month old. We have chosen to keep them out of day care and I made the sacrifice (if you want to call it that. At times I do) to watch them as well as tend to my other duties and job. I had no idea what I was getting into!!!!! I'm sure one day I'll look back and think very highly of this time and see the immeasurable amount of good it was to be with my two boys. So in that regard, I'm a pretty lucky Dad I think.

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I'm sure one day I'll look back and think very highly of this time and see the immeasurable amount of good it was to be with my two boys. So in that regard, I'm a pretty lucky Dad I think.

You are indeed lucky. They grow up so fast so make the most of the time while they're young. You will never regret.

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Guest Broomhead

I was injured at work in 2007 and still unable to work. I fill the same shoes as the other fathers in this thread. I have a 7 year old that I take to, and pick up from, school everyday, and an almost 2 year old daughter that loves her time with Daddy...until Mommy gets off work anyway, then Daddy is dog meat. We also found out 2 weeks ago that my wife is pregnant with our 3rd, due around the end of April. So for the last 4 years I have been 'Mr Mom'/Stay-At-Home Father/House Husband/whatever. Most days I enjoy it, I don't know that I could go back to work even if I were physically able to.

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Been a single dad since 2004. My daughter is now 18. Wow has it been 8 years?

Anyhow I'm also a stay at home, work from home, home based business dad. It sure has been nice these last years to be there when she needs me. Now she's in college, so the fun is not over.

As far as I'm concerned I wouldn't have it any other way.

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I have been been a stay at home dad for almost 2 years. My wife makes considerably more money than I was. Paying for child care and always making arrangements for someone else to have our children seemed stupid. I have to admit that it took me some time to let my ego accept this role but the time with my boys makes it totally worth the jabbing I occasionally get from my buddies.

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Guest rebeldrummer

I was a single dad for 3 1/2 years until my wife and i tied the knot...

It was difficult as I had to work to support us. Luckily my mother and sis are fortunate enough not to have to work and were there to fill in the gap. "Mr.Mom" is NOT a negative term in any sense. I am proud to have had that title!!! Mt daughter(s) now plural are my life. I thank God every day for them. my daughter Morgan (4...turning 25 in Dec!!!)and I are very close because of those 3 1/2 years.

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Guest Broomhead

My buddies used to poke fun at me being Mr Mom, until they started complaining about work troubles. I would look at them quizzically and ask, "What's work?" They would slap their foreheads and moan.

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I am a stay at home dad, I put in too many hours at my job so in the best interest of the family I now stay home. I have a 1yr old daughter and my son is coming any day. I am all for starting a club. Any dads in the Knox area just let me know and we can do something with the kids. Can't go to the range yet, they are still to young, lol.

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Guest GunTroll
I would be for that.


Free firearm transfers for all dads who posted above this post #18. Minus the TBI tax $10 to the man fee :lol: of course. Least I can do for my fellow TGO Mr. Moms.

Thanks for the uplifting personal stories guys!

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Guest Broomhead

Free firearm transfers for all dads who posted above this post #18. Minus the TBI tax $10 to the man fee :stare: of course. Least I can do for my fellow TGO Mr. Moms.

Thanks for the uplifting personal stories guys!

How far are you from Nashville?

You make it hard not to hit that "Like" button, BTW.

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