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2011 Hunt Photos

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With permission of the mods, I would like to start a thread, where we can all post our pictures from the calendar year 2011-2012 season. I think it would be easier to keep up with things.

Lets keep it on subject, and this year only.

Thats right "adamoxtwo"...repost that buck picture dude!

Edited by wd-40
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My son Rob, who is my best friend, my hunting and fishing partner and the person that looks after this "old man" when we're in the "back forty", harvested this fat doe this morning near one of our food plots. He seen 8 does, and 1 young buck, all before 8 am. He double lunged this doe at 10 yards as she entered the woods near the food plot.


Edited by wd-40
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Guest Conrad

My Bear weighed about 230 pounds. he measured 5 ft from tip of nose to start of tail. There was 7" between his ears and 14" from tip of nose to back of head and his neck was 25" around.

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OK....so this afternoon, I gets in my stand, and 5 deer show up in the food plot. I'm in the wood line about 40 yards away. Four does and a very pretty 8 pointer are feeding their hearts out. So I'm hoping they will at least come my way....long story short, big daddy decided to follow 3 does in the other direction, and one "big sister" decided my area of the woods looked good. She took a double lung shot at about 15 yards. She went about 25 yards and decided to give up! This is only my second deer ever taken with an arrow. My first was a beautiful 8 pointer taken year before last. This doe had a hanging weight of 117 pounds...a fine doe in my book!


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I have been hunting twice and nothing so far. Still looking for my first Bow kill. The first time I went hunting I was snorted at not 5 minutes after i settled in the stand. This last time I saw nothing until I spooked 2 walking back to my car but it was 30 minutes past shooting time anyways. Guess thats why they call it "hunting". :) Good job guys.

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Guest adamoxtwo

I'll take it anyway they come but I have to admit there is something about Archery that makes the hunt that much better. Maybe its the waiting when you see them come from a distance and you are forced to wait (where with a rifle you would be able to take a good kill shot) and take a great close shot. I love this time of year!


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