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Handgun Advice


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Help narrow down the field of self defense handguns for my father to re-consider.

He is in his 70s and has arthritis in the knuckle

joint of his trigger finger. He has a Taurus PT 709 slim, but it doesn't seem to be working for him for the reason stated above.

I spent some time with him and the following seemed to be reasons the PT 709 was not good.

#1. The PT 709 trigger break is almost if not almost completely to the back of the trigger gaurd

#2. The PT 709 slim has a narrow grip that his hand envelopes which 'seemed' to exacerbate how far back the trigger break was.

In closing he can make about a 90 too 110 degree angle with his arthritic knuckle. A trigger that breaks farther forward might be helpful. A lighter trigger as well.

Edited by D3vo
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I can see why you would suggest a 1911. I dont think he is a Cocked-N-Locked kinda guy.

There are not a lot of other types of single action pistols, and most DA, DAO, striker, etc have long trigger pulls which are very difficult for those of us with bad hands. I struggle with almost any other type of trigger, and there are just not many other choices if his hands are like mine. There are small 9mm, 380, and other 1911s so it wouldnt have to be the big framed guns or a 45, but all of them I know of are cocked and locked. But if you think about too hard, a glock is glocked and locked, no safety and that striker, internal or not, is pulled back and ready to go...

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