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Long Range Shooting Class by TresMon - Checking Interest Levels

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I contacted TresMon about holding one of his long range shooting classes at my office in Franklin in the near future (ie: next couple of months). Obviously, we'd need more attendees to make it worth while, so if you have any interest, please let me know.



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Tres (Pronounced Trace) puts on a good class in a way that you pick up what he is putting down.. You will learn something from the class no matter your current skill level.

We need to incorporate one of his classes into one of the Long Range practice shoots I host... that would be a Hit.

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Folks, we are narrowing down the schedule for this class. At this point, the tentative class information is:

Date: either Saturday, March 10th or (secondary) Saturday, March 3rd.

Place: Franklin, TN

Start Time: 9am

End Time: Approximately 6pm

Cost: $115 in advance (but first four confirmed attendees will get a $15 discount)

We are probably going to limit the attendance to 7 people due to space limitations. Please PM me if you are interested in attending on either or these two (2) dates. We need to confirm that we will have a minimum of 4 attendees before finalizing the class.



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Okay, we are getting close to finalizing this class. It looks like March 10th will be the day. I have PM'd several of you about confirming your attendance. If all of those guys confirm, I think we'll have 1 or 2 more spots (max). If you are interested (or need to confirm attendance), please PM me quickly.



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