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Guns and Leather Shooting Academy Level III Class Review

Guest Bassman17SC

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Guest Bassman17SC

I took the Level III class this past Sunday at the Greenbrier location. The class was from 3pm - 9pm. All of it in the range. Man, I am very glad I took Monday off! Sore!

There were two instructors for this class: Chris Smith and another fellow who's name is Tony (I apologize - I cannot remember his last name). Anyways, Tony is ex-Army Ranger, competitive shooter, and instructor. He was in charge of range safety and had very specific rules on handgun handling during the class. A lot more stringent than when I took the Level II class.

We started out with a detailed safety briefing and our expected behaviors (following range commands, where we could load mags, holstering, keeping the guns pointed downrange, etc.).

Then we received a little instruction on proper grip, trigger manipulation, etc. for just a few mags of precision target practice. The remainder of the time, we received instruction, then drills for a specific scenario.

The topics included:

1. Post-engagement sequence (fight, assess, scan, reload). We had to this routine after each drill.

2. The art of the draw. Please note - bring plastic holsters and magazine holders. Leather is too slow.

3. Immediate action/remedial action to remedy malfunctions. They also put some snap caps in our magazines randomly so we could practice.

4. Engaging targets while facing each of the four cardinal directions. We would turn towards the target and only draw/shoot when completely facing the target.

5. Shooting from behind barricades (both left and right).

6. Slicing the pie (going around a corner to clear a room and engage four targets).

7. Car-jacking scenarios (drawing/shooting left, right, and front) while seated.

8. El Presidente (five rapid fire shots to center mass and then one to the head).

9. One handed shooting (both strong and weak).

10. Shooting with flashlights.

We were basically on our feet for six hours and my arthritic knees let me know it.

But it seemed to go by fast.

I shot about 150 rounds each in my Ed Brown Special Forces (full size) and my EB Kobra Carry (Commander size) without any hiccups. Another guy had a Sig 1911; another guy had a Beretta Nano, I believe; and one guy brought a nice revolver (.357 I think).

We all came through pretty well with all of us having a minor violation (not safety related) here or there. I kept forgetting to check my "six."

One of the things I got praise for was during the barricade drill, I failed to properly seat a mag. When my pistol went "click" instead of "bang" I ducked behind cover, slammed the mag home, racked the slide, and got back in the fight. The ducking behind cover was purely instinctual; never gave it a thought.

None of my shots missed the man-shaped outline, but several went outside of the center mass "box." For those of us who made shots outside the box, we would have to make the "walk of shame" to cover up those holes with little stickers after each drill. LOL.

So now I have more drills with which to practice, which I will do until I take the Level IV class. They are currently working on the Level IV curriculum.


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Good review. Sounds like a solid class. I hope to take it next month. You can NEVER have enough training. I'm a certified NRA instructor in pistol and rifle....and I need to knock the rust off some of my basic handgunning. I noticed last time on the range I was getting sloppy

I DO have to take issue with: 2. The art of the draw. Please note - bring plastic holsters and magazine holders. Leather is too slow.

I disagree. the RIGHT leather is quick enough for social work. I'm a fan of Kramer leather/Horsehide rigs. My reloads from low ready with my leather/sharkskin mag holder is under a second and a half. Inexpensive leather can be slow to reholster.

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Guest Bassman17SC

Bassman, what was the price of the level III course? Were you allowed to bring your own ammo for the class?

Price was $225.

Yes. I brought 200 rounds of ammo I already had (Remington "Kleen" target 230 gr.) and bought another 200 rounds of PMC 230 gr. in the store. Now, I only use factory ammo, if that is what your question is leaning towards. You will have to ask the instructors about reloads.

If you go to the Guns and Leather site and click on the link to the G&L Academy, they have a list of all classes and a calendar during which the classes are offered.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest motonut

Thanks for this info. I scheduled a advanced handgun class w/ the Sniper Pro Shop folks last year but they canceled the class due to the funeral for the Murfreesboro (?) officer and I was unavailable the other 2 times they tried to reschedule (just wasn't meant to be I guess). I'll try a G-n-L class.

Thanks again.

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