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Does a small SA 9mm exist??

Guest bazookazilla

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+ 1 on the Star BM. I have had several over the years and always had good luck with them. Well made guns for the $200-$250 price range. Only problem might be replacement parts if needed.

Para Ordinance came out with a Baby Nine recently also, I think you could probably get 3 Stars for the price of one though.

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Guest darkstar
Damn... if Rabbi and I agree on something... it must be right. :D

But seriously folks... can anyone name a better 9mm auto???



how about a Sig 210? Those are pretty good..dunno if better just throwin' that out there

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how about a Sig 210? Those are pretty good..dunno if better just throwin' that out there

I got to shoot one at IDPA. It is a very very nice gun. Out of my price range too I'm afraid.

"Better" is rather subjective here, depending on what qualities one wants. In some ways a Hi Point is better than either the SIG or the Hitler-Koch.

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Guest darkstar
I got to shoot one at IDPA. It is a very very nice gun. Out of my price range too I'm afraid.

"Better" is rather subjective here, depending on what qualities one wants. In some ways a Hi Point is better than either the SIG or the Hitler-Koch.

Yeah, that guy that came into your shop with it (the 210) let me mess around with it for a bit...they are nice but as you said mucho $$$$$

Now about your Hi-Point comment........:D I get what your sayin'

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Guest darkstar
If all you got is $200 you can have either a functional (mostly) Hi Point pistol that comes with a life-time warranty or you can have a magazine for a P210. Your choice.

Yeah, you definately have a point (no pun intended)

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Guest Steelharp
Sell a couple of your sissy 1911s

And how many wars and conflicts has the P7 been an integral part of? I'm just asking... :D

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And how many wars and conflicts has the P7 been an integral part of? I'm just asking... :D

How many German criminals have been shot with a 1911 by German police officers? Just asking.

The fact that the US cared for so little about sidearms that it continued to issue the 1911 for 40 years after the last one was delivered is largely irrelevant.

The P7 is a much better weapon than the 1911. In many respects the Smith Sigma is a much better weapon.

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Guest Steelharp
How many German criminals have been shot with a 1911 by German police officers? Just asking.

Probably more since SIG started making them. :D

continued to issue the 1911 for 40 years after the last one was delivered is largely irrelevant.

As probably is the fact that ones issued almost 100 years ago still work. Not to say a 100 year old P7 won't... but we'll have to wait a while to see.

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I've got a Webley And Scott .32 that is older than any 1911. And it works just fine.

I dont see what all these things have to do with the time of day.

The 1911 was a very good platform for what it was designed to do. But it has been superseded by developments since WW2. People still like them for whatever reason, great.

The P7 is just superior in every way that a carry pistol is supposed to be. I cant help that.

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Guest sling

Steelharp and Rabbi,

Your comparing apples and bananas here. Both of these guns are different setups and were created with two different purposes in mind.

The 1911 was created as a war time side arm... where as the P7 was created for a police side arm. Two completely different worlds. It doesnt matter how many "wars" a sidearm has been in. Sidearms dont win wars. A moot point.

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Guest atomemphis

If it ain't gonna be my carry, I want to enjoy looking at it a bit.

Same reason guns come in different color finishes, different color grips, etc. You wanna like what you own.

The 'tools don't have to be pretty' theory doesn't hold much water. If that was the case, wouldn't you drive a different, much cheaper automobile?

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Guest atomemphis

disclaimer: i don't know what kind of car you drive, but i can safely assume it isn't an old rust bucket pickup, since those are becoming scarce these days. but it would get the job done. nearly any job.

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Guest sling

I drive a Honda Civic. It aint pretty but it gets the job done. :up: I like it becaue its cheap, fuel efficient, and will pretty much outlast anything else on the market in terms of reliability. Thats why i like it.

But, i do have an old rusty pickup for when i pick up sandstone up on the mountain.

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Guest atomemphis

Me too, I don't like the abbreviated hammer at all. Now if you are looking for cool hammers, look no further than SVi/Infinity:







And a finished SVi product:


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