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M&P 9 Pro Light Strikes

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Out of ~400 rounds downrange I've come up with 4-5 light strikes (no strike really)

What I've done so far...

Took apart my striker assembly, inspected cleaned and reinstalled

Cleaned out the channel as good as I could

Striker looks good, its the new one.

Primers had no impact marks on them at all, these have all occurred in the heat of a match so there is a possibility the slide was out of battery slightly..

S&W sent me a label, I just hate sending guns back. Any suggestions? Was gonna buy a few new springs and maybe an assembly but can't find any.

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Let S&W look at it. Lifetime Warranty and all.

I agree, but first make sure there is no oil in the striker channel. Oil picks up dirt and stuff and will pack it into the channel.

If your not sure you got it all out try a q-tip soaked with cleaner, then a dry one.

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The striker assembly is only available as a full assembly and is a restricted part available only to certified armorers'. The M&P will not fire when it is 1/4" out of battery. I'd send it back to S&W.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Primers had no impact marks on them at all, these have all occurred in the heat of a match so there is a possibility the slide was out of battery slightly..

Out of battery was the culprit with my Pro. Was running a reduced power recoil spring and holstering would occasionally knock it a little out of battery. Holding thumb against back of slide when holstering solved the problem. BTW, I had zero problems when running factory spring.

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Guest 270win

I had light strikes when shooting an M&P. A new striker assembly has been put in the gun. There have been three variations over time from what I understand.

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