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"Breaking Bad"

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It's my guess that guy won't be around much longer to tell anyone anything. Walts a devoted father and Jessie has a brother around the same age as dirt bike kid. Mikes not going like the additional complication much either.

That guy better start making himself irreplaceable real fast or end up in a drum off acid.

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It's my guess that guy won't be around much longer to tell anyone anything. Walts a devoted father and Jessie has a brother around the same age as dirt bike kid. Mikes not going like the additional complication much either.

That guy better start making himself irreplaceable real fast or end up in a drum off acid.

Heh. You're talking about a drum of acid brought back images of Roger Rabbit.

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It is impressive how the writers of the show have turned Skyler into the one who is disliked. She, aside from Jesse, is the only moral compass in Walt's life now. I am annoyed by her too.

A lot of people (myself included) are siding with Walt, when he is clearly "The Bad Guy". He isn't even Walt anymore...he's Heisenberg. But I admit, as much as I like Hank, I don't want him to catch Walt.

The thing about this most recent episode is that it was set up by the first episode of the season. In THAT episode, with the magnet, it had the same feeling of whimsy of the early episodes in the series where Walt and Jesse were up to nonsense with Badger and Skinnie Pete and they would succeed in spite of themselves. "Dead Freight", had that same feeling...even with the drama of the heist and the good samaritan arriving in his F-350. When the crew was celebrating at the end I had a smile on my face, like "they pulled it off!" Then the gut punch that was jaw dropping.


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It is impressive how the writers of the show have turned Skyler into the one who is disliked.

They didn't have to turn her into that for me. I always disliked her, from the beginning. Now she's nearly intollerable. I'm close to fast forwarding through the scenes with her, but I know that would make me miss out on some of the story.

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They didn't have to turn her into that for me. I always disliked her, from the beginning. Now she's nearly intollerable. I'm close to fast forwarding through the scenes with her, but I know that would make me miss out on some of the story.

Yeah there for a while it looked like her character was developing to be a bad a@@ but instead turned into a paranoid basketcase after the cartel almost snuffed her. I understand that the writers are trying to portray the whole rock and a hard place thing and how the kids will be hurt either physically if Walt's rivals retaliate against his family or emotionally by finding out about his criminal life but I would really have liked to see her cope with this by deciding to protect her family by actively helping Walt establish a strong power base that would protect her family through sheer intimidation rather than just breaking down into a suicidal, whiney, chain smoker.

Edited by gnmwilliams
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Guest TankerHC

Skylers character might be annoying but its clear she is probably right. The scene of Walt buying the M60 in this seasons opener, is the begining of the final of 8 episodes to be shown next year and THE final episode.

1. If something doesnt seriously hit the fan then why does Walt need an M60? Vince Gilligan says before its over Walt "might" just have his Scarface moment. Here's Gilligans response to a question concering it "Well, it seems like there's a reckoning that is coming . . .

It sure looks that way [laughs]. You go to the trouble of buying an M60 machine gun in a Denny's bathroom, you probably have a pretty pressing and severe use for it at hand."

2. Vince Gilligan in an interview says they will soon go into production on a Breaking Bad movie. If thats the case, then Walt might have a Scarface moment, but he cant be killed. If he is, whats the sense in making a movie? Unless, something super drastic happens thats would totally jump the shark, like Hank finding out, Walt getting killed and Hank taking over the business. I dont see something like that happenning.

3. Skyler and her Sister are going to be ones to watch. The sister is a loon, and Skyler (At the moment) is a Paranoind Douchebag, but the pre season interviews with them this season, they both say the same thing. They were shocked to read the script for the last 16 episodes when it was handed them. They claim the audience will be too when they see where Vince Gilligan takes the character. I dont thing the loony and the paranoid are going to be that way for long. Its going to be insteresting to see these characters evolve.

4. Gilligan says that his intention was to have the viewers, a few at a time, lose sympathy with Walt. He wanted to turn him into a Scarface, and stated in episode 501 the transformation is complete (to a Scarface like character). Says "He's already there". But while I see Skyler keep trying to keep Walt from his kids, Ill continue to have sympathy for Walt and hope he puts a double tap in Skylers forehead.

You all might like this. imdb has a section called "Guns in Movies". You can read and see all the guns for just about any movie ever made. Here is the one for Breaking Bad, quite a few different firearms have been used so far.


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I'm thinking Skyler spills the beans to her sister. She'll want a piece of the action (remember, she's a kleptomaniac who likes her some shiny things). Hank finally figures it out and Walt needs the M60 to handle the DEA. It would feel rushed if a major drug player showed up and put a serious hurt on the operation (thus requiring the M60). It took 3 seasons before we saw Gus, and 4 before we saw his connection/history with the Mexican cartels. 1/2 season to bring in a major player? I sure hope not.

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why does Walt need an M60?

That was clearly one of those high powered AK-47 guns. I've seen them on the news.

All kidding aside, this is one of the best shows ever. My wife and I both love it. I was late watching the last episode, so I had to avoid this thread.

Edited by JD_
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The plot of this series is great, but watching the main characters change is even better. Pinkman had the most ups and downs, but has become the most level headed person on the show. Walt has had the most to overcome, but went from sad little HS teacher to drug kingpin. Skyler went from stay at home mom to adulterous bookcooking accountant to money launder hiring thugs and looke at her now. She's a basketcase.

I wouldn't put it past Walt to drug her and put her back in the pool. Nobody would suspect a thing, but he couldn't do that to the kids...could he?

Edited by BigK
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Skyler went from stay at home mom to adulterous bookcooking accountant to money launder hiring thugs and looke at her now. She's a basketcase.

I wouldn't put it past Walt to drug her and put her back in the pool. Nobody would suspect a thing, but he couldn't do that to the kids...could he?

He made sure to hang on to that "missing" riacin(sp?). I'm figuring Skyler, Jessie, or maybe even Mike will be dosed before the series ends. Plus he can always buy another one of those plants...

Originally I would have said he wouldn't because that would have been counter productive. I mean why go through everything to provide for your family then destroy that family?

Now though his priorities are changed, he means to build an empire and I think leaving money to the kids is a secondary priority.

Remember he's someone who should have been very successful in life and he's finally found his niche, he's going for broke to see how far he can get before the cancer comes back.

Man I can't wait for Sunday.

Edited by TrickyNicky
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I know this sounds cruel, but I think the main thing keeping Skyler alive is the fact that she's laundering his money and keeping the car wash going while he cooks. He knows she doesn't love him any more. She said she'd just waiting and when he asked for what, she said 'for the cancer to come back'. Plus, she's chain smoking in the house where he sleeps and breathes.

Edited by BigK
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Plus, she's chain smoking in the house where he sleeps and breathes.

Wow, I can't believe that I didn't put those 2 things together. That's awesome. Finally, something to like Skyler for.

It looks like I was wrong about them not bringing in another drug kingpin for Walt to need the M60 for. Walt means to defend his own turf, and now he'll be wanting theirs over in Phoenix too.

Edited by monkeylizard
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Finally got around to watching this show. Watched through season 4 on NetFlix and am current with On Demand.

I think at this point Season 5 is about riding the wave of success the show had.

Should have ended when Gus was killed.

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Finally got around to watching this show. Watched through season 4 on NetFlix and am current with On Demand.

I think at this point Season 5 is about riding the wave of success the show had.

Should have ended when Gus was killed.

Welcome to the party, Mike. I see what you mean about this season being a let down, but only in comparison to the 1st 4 seasons. This season is still better than most of the crap on TV.

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Tonight was inevitable. Unfortunate, but inevitable.

Yah. I don't want to spoil anything for someone who isn't current with the show, but tonight's episode really pushed Walt further away from the audience, so to speak. The arc of the story writing on this show - from a mild-mannered, likable guy who you feel sorry for and are even kind of pulling for despite his actions, to someone who is less and less likable (more and more hated by some viewers) each week - is simply remarkable.

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I think at this point Season 5 is about riding the wave of success the show had.

Nah, the character is still in development. I love S5 so far.

Should have ended when Gus was killed.

Wha? That makes no sense, the story isn't finished.

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Yah. I don't want to spoil anything for someone who isn't current with the show, but tonight's episode really pushed Walt further away from the audience, so to speak. The arc of the story writing on this show - from a mild-mannered, likable guy who you feel sorry for and are even kind of pulling for despite his actions, to someone who is less and less likable (more and more hated by some viewers) each week - is simply remarkable.

Yep. Now all I find myself hoping is that certain characters can make it out without getting caught or killed. The fit is about to hit the shan!

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