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RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Presidential Nomination In Tampa

Guest ArmyVeteran37214

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Read up on the Louisiana convention, the Ron Paul delegate that was voted in as chairman was 'escorted' out of the building by the local police department, and ended up with a couple of broken fingers, among other things.

So that part of the blog post rings true.

I'm simply not wasting my time Googling tin foil blogs. I prefer facts.

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While they didn't win for obvious reasons, I wouldn't classify Santorum, Gingrich, or Paul as being milquetoast. I would Romney, Pawlenty, and Cain.

Reread, I used "milk toast" as describing the electorate, and Romney best suited to it. And good on you for the proper usage of the term, it's rare I blow it that badly here, and even rarer to get caught. :)

My point was that the GOP needed something at least perceived as very different (yet somehow appealing to that non-polarized segment of the electorate) this time around to have a chance. Youth seemed like perhaps the most obvious effective tactic, at least for the top spot; with perhaps an older hand as veep (worked for BHO) and what better than a black female to counter the also perceived "diversity" of the Dems.

Maybe there will be an October Surprise the GOP can unveil that will change everything, but failing that, BHO gets four more years (at least! :tinfoil: ). Just too many negatives with Mitt, and Ryan can't change that.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest ThePunisher

Just too many negatives with Mitt, and Ryan can't change that.

- OS

Well how many negatives can BHO get away with. Does he really have any positives?

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Well how many negatives can BHO get away with. Does he really have any positives?

You can't oust even a obvious villain with ho hum.

Like it or not, the election process has become largely American Idol. Ronald Reagan and Slick Willy had charm and charisma. Mitt is white bread. The most interesting thing about him is his Mormonism, which is overall no kind of plus either.

You also have a president that could go on national television, actually pull out a gun and shoot a couple of people, and still get 20% of the vote or more.

- OS

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