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Disaster Relief for Hurricane Sandy Victims


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Folks, the hurricane victims need all the help they can get, so let's help our fellow Americans. :usa:

Donate here: http://fundly.com/me...ter-relief-fund

or any legitimate charity you know of that will directly help the victims of hurricane Sandy.

Hmmm...I know nothing about that endeavor but am suspicious of something under a catch all web company that lets anyone set up to solicit funds. No real info about "Mercury One" at all there.

Remember even Slick Willie's big fund raiser for Haiti with all the celebs? Hardly a dime made it to Haiti.

Can't beat giving directly to American Red Cross, IMNSHO. Except for a brief period years ago when their bureaucracy starting taking too much off the top (rectified pretty quickly), they've been as effective an org in disaster relief as exists. Salvation Army is even better regarding admin/relief money ratio, just that they don't have as much overall impact on large area relief as the Red Cross.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Hmmm...I know nothing about that endeavor but am suspicious of something under a catch all web company that lets anyone set up to solicit funds. No real info about "Mercury One" at all there.

Remember even Slick Willie's big fund raiser for Haiti with all the celebs? Hardly a dime made it to Haiti.

Can't beat giving directly to American Red Cross, IMNSHO. Except for a brief period years ago when their bureaucracy starting taking too much off the top (rectified pretty quickly), they've been as effective an org in disaster relief as exists. Salvation Army is even better regarding admin/relief money ratio, just that they don't have as much overall impact on large area relief as the Red Cross.

- OS

Sir, I believe Mercury One is talk show host Glenn Beck's charity. He claims that every penny donated to the disaster fund there goes directly to help. Take that for what it's worth, but I trust his heart.

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Sir, I believe Mercury One is talk show host Glenn Beck's charity. He claims that every penny donated to the disaster fund there goes directly to help. Take that for what it's worth, but I trust his heart.

As I said, I did not know anything about it. But do now, thanks for the info.

A link to the actual charity itself would have cleared it up immediately:


I believe in Beck's integrity myself.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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