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Guns over Women?

Guest nraforlife

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Guest nraforlife

Top 10 reasons a gun is favored over a woman....

#10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.

# 9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.

# 8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.

# 7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.

# 6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo

# 5 . A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.

# 4. Guns function normally every day of the month.

# 3. A gun doesn't ask, 'Do these new grips make me look fat?'

# 2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.

And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman....


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Guest Hooker

My wife thought they were hilarious, but she had a smart comment for everyone of those. They all had something to do with keeping all my guns and my friend too.:rolleyes:

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Guest Halfpint

Mike.357 is a very wise man.

I got pinched or hit five times on a list of ten, and I got beaten for the sunglasses comment. If that's the worst I have to endure, I think I'm okay.

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Guest Boomhower
One word - sunglasses

Mirrored sunglasses that wrap around the side of your face......otherwise you are just wasting your time brothers..... :confused:

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Guest TNDixieGirl

Which one would you rather blow your brains out? :devil:

Ten Reasons Women Prefer Guns Over Men

#10. Your gun doesn't mind if you get a bigger one

#9. If the ammo isn't working you can try something different without it complaining

#8. Guns always fire

#7. Guns don't shrink when cold

#6. Your gun does nothing but wait quietly until you need it

#5. A gun can sit next to the remote without touching it

#4. A gun never forgets it's primary purpose

#3. Guns don't say "pull my fInger"

#2. A gun can reload in less than 5 seconds

#1. A gun doesn't poke you in the middle of the night to see if you feel like shooting

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Which one would you rather blow your brains out? :devil:

Ten Reasons Women Prefer Guns Over Men

#10. Your gun doesn't mind if you get a bigger one

#9. If the ammo isn't working you can try something different without it complaining

#8. Guns always fire

#7. Guns don't shrink when cold

#6. Your gun does nothing but wait quietly until you need it

#5. A gun can sit next to the remote without touching it

#4. A gun never forgets it's primary purpose

#3. Guns don't say "pull my fInger"

#2. A gun can reload in less than 5 seconds

#1. A gun doesn't poke you in the middle of the night to see if you feel like shooting

You Win! :P:D:D

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Guest Grout
Yeah but the .44s usually are out of time with their barrels severely bulged and want you to feed them like they were brand new.

Are we talking about guns here??

You need a different model.One that is built to take it.;)

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Guest MidTNShooter

Not speaking of pistols, but two 22's are better than one 44. I can say that, my wife is taking a nap. The downside is that the 22's don't take naps.


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I have a .44 now (or, I will in a few short months) -- she was a .38 not long ago- one day before you know it she'll be a .50. It keeps getting better. 22? Forget it- they look nice but they just don't have the power...

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